

Welcome to Australia

Question: The English word for "opdaget" 
Answer: What is discovered.

Question: The amount of people that lives in Australia.
Answer: What is 20 Million people

Question: When it is summer in Europe, it is what in Australia ?
Answer: What is winter in Australia

Question: When was Australia discovered?
Answer: What is in 1770 Australia was discovered.

Question: At Christmas you can do this in Australia.
Answer: What is to wear shorts, go to the beach and swim.

The land

Question: The danish word for "deserts"
Answer: What is ørkener

Question: What do you call Australia´s countryside?
Answer: What is the outback

Question: Three big cities in Australia
Answer: What is Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

Question: The crops the farmers plants.
Answer: What is grapes and other fruit.

Question: A lot of people lives in the deserts of Australia.
Answer: No, hardly anyone lives there.

The first people

Question: The ones who lived in Australia, when the Europeans came.
Answer: What is the Aborigines

Question: The danish word for "gatherers"
Answer: What is - samlere.

Question: The weapons they used to hunt with.
Answer: What is spears and boomerangs.

Question: What did the Europeans do to the Aborigines, when they came to Australia?
Answer: What is taking their land and killing many of them.

Question: What were the Aborigines not used to ?
Answer: What is the European sicknesses


Question: Who was Captain James Cook ?
Answer: What is an English explorer.

Question: What could you be hanged for?
Answer: What is for stealing bread

Question: The 26´th of january 1788
Answer: What is when the first convicts arrived in Sydney

Question: What is the 26´th of January now ?
Answer: What is a holiday and Australia´s birthday.

Question: The convicts worked as slaves, what did they do ?
Answer: What is farmed and built houses.


Question: The English words for "forbløffende og pung, lomme"
Answer: What is amazing and pouch.

Question: How fast can a big kangaroo hop ?
Answer: What is 48 kilometers an hour.

Question: What is a newborn kangaroo ?
Answer: What is helpless, naked and blind.

Question: If there is danger, the baby kangaroo do this.
Answer: What is running back to it´s mother´s pouch and peeks out.

Question: How are the kangaroos using their hind legs to fight?
Answer: What is standing on them, box and kick each other.