
Health Science Review

Question: What does TEAM stand for?
Answer: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

Question: What is the first stage of team-building?
Answer: Forming

Question: What happens during the Storming stage?
Answer: It is the conflict stage and you need to listen and accept ideas

Question: What is the next stage after Forming and Storming?
Answer: Norming

Question: What stage is called the productivity stage and everyone's skills are used?
Answer: Performing 

Question: What is body mechanics?

Answer: moving and positioning the body in a way, that prevents injury to one self and to others.

Question: Define infection control?
Answer: set of practices and procedures that will help to prevent the transmission of a disease.

Question: what fire extinguisher is made from carbon dioxide; useful from flammable liquid fires, including grease, gasoline and oil?
Answer: Type D

Question: what muscles should be used to lift something?

Question: What does RACE stand for

Answer: rescue,alarm,contain, and extinguish or evacuate                  

Question: what are the two types of microorganisms and what do they do to our body?
Answer: non pathogens and pathogens 

Question: what are bacteria and how are they classified ?
Answer: one-celled microorganisms cocci are round, bacilli are rod-shaped, and  the spirally are spiral

Question: what are viruses?

smallest type of microorganisms 

Question: what are some disease caused by viruses?
common cold, chickenpox, measles, herpes, hepatitis B/C and HIV/aids 

Question: how does an ultrasonic until for cleaning work?
Answer: uses sound waves and cleaning solution to clean dirt.

Question: How long should you exercise daily?
Answer: At least 30-60 minutes depending on exercises.

Question: What is the long-term approach to a healthy lifestyle. It includes a balance of healthy eating and physical exercise to equate energy expenditure and energy intake. 
Answer: Weight Management 

Question: What are the five food groups? 
Answer: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Proteins, and Dairy

Question: What can stress lead up to?
Answer: Heart Disease, Asthma, Obesity, Diabetes, Headaches, Depression, And Premature Death

Question: What are the five elements of wellness?
Answer: Physical,Spiritual, Social, Mental, and Emotional.

Question: What does WHO stand for?
Answer: World Health Organization

Question: What does USDHHS stand for?
Answer: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 

Question: What is the CDC purpose?
Answer: Implement diseases, monitor the cause, and Environmental control 

Question: What is the purpose of OSHA?
Answer: Create job safety standards and implement job safety standards 

Question: What is the AHGQ purpose?
Answer: Investigate quality of healthcare delivery and establish standards for healthcare treatments