
Math Vocabulary

Question: the total number of square units needed to cover a 2-dimensional surface
Answer: What is area?

Question: a graph consisting of vertical or horizontal bars whose heights or lengths represent specific data values
Answer: What is a bar graph?

Question: Will definitely occur
Answer: What is certain?

Question: 36 inches or 3 feet
Answer: What is a yard?

Question: a diagram consisting of two or more overlapping circles used to represent relationships
Answer: What is a Venn diagram?

Question: the point at which the sides of an angle or polygon intersect
Answer: What is a vertex?

Question: a metric unitof length equal to one-hundredth of a meter
Answer: What is a centimeter?

Question: a unit for measuring the size of angles
Answer: What is a degree?

Question: a quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles
Answer: What is a square?

Question: an angle that has a measure more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
Answer: What is an obtuse angle?

Question: a line segment between two points on a circle that passes through the center of the circle
Answer: What is a diameter?

Question: a U.S. customary unit of capacity equal to 4 quarts or 16 cups or 128 fluid ounces
Answer: What is a gallon?

Question: the result or answer in division
Answer: What is a quotient?

Question: a measure of the space inside a 3-dimensional object
Answer: What is volume?

Question: a triangle with two congruent sides
Answer: What is an isosceles triangle?

Question: a flip of a geometric figure
Answer: What is a reflection?

Question: a whole number that divides evenly into another number
Answer: What is a factor?

Question: an 8 sided figure
Answer: What is an octagon?

Question: changing the order of the numbers does not change the sum or product
Answer: What is the commutative property

Question: the result of multiplying two or more numbers
Answer: What is a product?

Question: the number left over when one number is divided by another
Answer: What is the remainder?

Question: an angle whose measure is 180 degrees
Answer: What is a straight angle?

Question: the result of subtracting one number from another
Answer: What is a difference?

Question: a closed 2-dimensional figure made up of 3 or more line segments
Answer: What is a polygon?

Question: a quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides with no right angles
Answer: What is a rhombus?