
Semester 1 Review

World Religions

Question: Name the founder of these religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism.
Answer: Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham, Siddhartha Gautama, No founder. 

Question: What is Nirvana?
Answer: In Buddhism it is the process of total enlightenment.

Question: What is one similarity and one difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?
Answer: Similarity: They both believe in reincarnation
Difference: Buddhism doesn't believe in the caste system. 

Question: What does the caste system determine?

Answer: Your status for your job, role in society, who you can eat with, etc..

Question: Name all five pillars of Islam.
Answer: Belief, Worship, Fasting, Almsgiving, and Pilgrimage.

World Religions

Question: What is reincarnation?
Answer: The process of being reborn.

Question: Who led the Hebrews out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments?
Answer: Moses

Question: What do the Gospels in the New Testament explain?
Answer: The most significant information about Jesus's life. 

Question: How do the Sunni's and the Shiites beliefs differ?
Answer: They differ on who the leader of Islam should be. 

Question: What is Shari'a Law?
Answer: It is the framework that Islamic law is based off of.

Indust Rev.

Question: List the three factors of productions.
Answer: Land, Labor, Capital

Question: What is crop rotation?
Answer: When crops are rotated in the same field to increase productivity.

Question: What is communism? 
Answer: Communism is when the government controls everything. 

Question: Who wrote the Communist Manifesto and the Wealth of Nations?
Answer: Karl Marx and Adam Smith

Question: What was a benefit of the Railroad in Britain?
Answer: It allowed for products to be shipped from inland to the sea or the opposite. 

Indust. Rev.

Question: Where did the industrial revolution start?

Answer: Britain

Question: What is an union?
Answer: A group of workers who come together to fight for better working rights.

Question: How did the Industrial Revolution affect cities?
Answer: More people came to the city, at first the conditions were worse, then they gradually improved.

Question: What is the relationship between imperialism and the Industrial Revolution?
Answer: Countries needed to Imperialize because they were Industrializing so fast they needed resources.

Question: What was Urbanization a direct result of?
Answer: Agricultural Revolution. 


Question: What is Imperialism?
Answer: When a stronger country takes over a weaker country?

Question: Who was the Boer War fought between?
Answer: British and the Dutch

Question: What was the drug sold to China from Britain?
Answer: Opium

Question: What policy did the US institute in China allowing anyone to trade with China?
Answer: Open Door Policy

Question: Why couldn't Europeans go inland in Africa prior to the 1800s?
Answer: Unnavigable rivers and disease.