
English 9 Semester One Review

Comma Usage

Question: Where should commas be placed in this sentence?

Ted hiked up Mauna Kea set up his campsite and began to cook his dinner over the fire.

Answer: Ted hiked up Mauna Kea, set up his campsite, and began to cook his dinner over the fire.

Question: Commas can be used to fix a comma splice.  True or False?
Answer: Only if you add a conjunction. 

Question: I think you will do very well on the exam because you have been studying very hard.  Add commas.
Answer: I think you will do very well on the exam because you have been studying very hard.

Question: My friend Barb will be attending University of Louisville.  Add commas.
Answer: My friend, Barb, will be attending University of Louisville.

Question: Commas are used to...
Answer: Separate items in a list, give a pause


Question: Define connotation. 
Answer: Connotation = inferred meaning of a word beyond its literal meaning.

Question: Define explication. 
Answer: Explication = breaking apart and analyzing small pieces of a sentence or passage and explaining its significance. 

Question: Metaphor = ?
Answer: A metaphor is a direct comparison between two unrelated objects. It states the one object is the other. 

Question: Simile = ?
Answer: Simile is the comparison of two seemingly unrelated objects using the words like or as.

Question: What is irony?
Answer: Irony is figurative language that makes an opposite statement from what is said.

Literary Analysis

Question: The claim must be ____________ and must contain a _____________   _____________.
Answer: arguable or debatable  AND focused idea

Question: This section of a quote sandwich prevents the quote or evidence from being naked.
Answer: Context

Question: The _______________ must be directly from the text and should be cited with a _____________ _____________. 
Answer: evidence or quote, page number

Question: The largest section of the quote sandwich is the ______________. This is where you truly dive deep into the significance of the evidence in supporting your claim. 
Answer: Analysis

Question: How can diction help you with your analysis?
Answer: The meanings and choices of the author's words have specific connotations. If you analyze this you can explain the essential questions.


Question: What are the seven coordinating conjunctions?
Answer: For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Question: Can you join two dependent clauses with a coordinating conjunction?
Answer: No.

Question: What is the difference between a fused sentence and a comma splice?
Answer: They both are made with two independent clauses, but one has no comma and one does. Both are WRONG!

Question: What are the three ways to fix a comma splice?
Answer: 1. with a semicolon
2. with a comma and a coordinating conjunction
3. by adding a period and a capital letter to make two sentences

Question: What is the largest part of the exam?


Question: Is this a solid claim?

Unwinding is a good idea.

Answer: No, because it is not focused and does not contain the who, what, when, where, or why.

Question: Is this a solid claim?

Unwinding is the process of harvesting organs from rebellious teens.

Answer: No. It does not contain any argument.

Question: Is this a solid claim?

The US should consider initiating an organ harvesting program similar to the one proposed in the novel, Unwind. This would save thousands of lives, decrease crime rate, and provide opportunities for scientific advancement. 

Answer: Yes. It is arguable and has a focused, controlling idea.

Question: What is the tone of this passage? 

The students moped around as if the whole world were about to end. The impending week filled with exams was like a dark cloud over the heads of the ill-prepared students. 

Answer: Negative--somber, dreary, sad, depressed, doomed...etc.

Question: Can you bring your book to the exam?
Answer: NO