

Life in Jarrow

Question: What were Jarrow's main industries during the 1920s and 1930s?
Answer: Shipbuilding and Steel works industry

Question: Why did Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Company close down in 1934?
Answer: Outdated methods, foreign competition

Question: How was much was the Doe?
Answer: 15 shillings a week for men, 12 shillings a week for women

Question: How often did the Means Test occur?
Answer: After 26 weeks 

Question: What was the Trades Dispute Act of 1927?
Answer: An act that outlawed general strikes. It also said trade unions could no longer use members' dues to support the Labour Party.

The Jarrow March

Question: Who lead the crusaders on their march?
Answer: The Mayor, local councillors and Ellen Wilkinson.

Question: What time did they start at in the morning?
Answer: 8;45am

Question: How many miles did they walk per day?
Answer: 13 miles

Question: What did army-style marching consist of?
Answer: 50 minutes marching
10 minutes marching 

Question: Who was Ellen Wilkinson?
Answer: Labour member of parliament for Jarrow.
Known as "Red Ellen" as she was a former member of the Communist Party.

The End of the Jarrow March

Question: How long did they spend marching before they reached London?
Answer: Twenty three days marching and two weekend rests.

Question: Where was the demonstration held?
Answer: Hyde Park

Question: Who presented the petition?
Answer: Ellen Wilkinson

Question: How did they return to Jarrow?
Answer: Train

Question: What shock did they face the next day?
Answer: Their unemployment wages had been cut by 4 to 11 shillings.

Organisation of the March

Question: Why did they call themselves a crusade rather than a march?
Answer: To disassociate themselves with the Hunger Marches

Question: How many men were selected?
Answer: 200

Question: How were the men selected?
Answer: Medical examination.

Question: How much money did the Council raise?
Answer: £1,500

Question: How many Jarrow people signed the petition?
Answer: 11,000


Question: What first aim did they achieve?
Answer: Presenting a petition.

Question: What did they do in contrast to similar marches?
Answer: They did not alienate the general public

Question: In what year did the Bill eventually become law?
Answer: 1939

Question: What really filled the gap of unemployment in Jarrow?
Answer: The Second World War.

Question: What industries were set up in 1938?
Answer: Ship-building and Engineering.