
U.S History

Native Americans

Question: Where did the Americans send Native Americans?
Answer: Reservations

Question: Act passed in 1887 to encourage Native Americans to give up their traditional ways and become farmers?
Answer: Dawes Act

Question: Who said "We did not give our country to you; you stole it."
Answer: Sitting Bull

Question: What battle did the Sioux and Cheyennes wipe out Custer and his men?
Answer: Battle of Little Bighorn

Question: What was the movement of Native Americans to reservations called, where many of them died?
Answer: The Trail of Tears


Question: First President of the United States
Answer: George Washington

Question: Who is the President of 2015?
Answer: Barack Obama 

Question: Who was the 15th President?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln

Question: How many Presidents has the United States had?
Answer: 43

Question: Which President was shot and killed in Texas?
Answer: John F. Kennedy 


Question: What war was fought to win our independence from England?
Answer: The Revolutionary War

Question: What year did we join WW1
Answer: 1917

Question: What year did we join WWII
Answer: 1941

Question: What happened in 1965?
Answer: The US entered Vietnam 

Question: What happened that caused the US to enter Afghanistan 
Answer: 9/11 


Question: Who invented the light bulb
Answer: Thomas Edison

Question: Who invented the telephone
Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

Question: Who patented the sewing machine in 1851
Answer: Isaac Singer

Question: Who invented the first type writer
Answer: Christopher Latham Sholes

Question: What was the process called that made steel manufacturing faster and more efficient? 
Answer: Bessemer steel process


Question: When Japan bombed Hawaii 
Answer: Pearl Harbor 

Question: Document that established our Independence 
Answer: Declaration of Independence

Question: Ban on manufacture and sale of alcohol 
Answer: Prohibition

Question: What was era called when the stock market crashed in 1929?
Answer: The Great Depression

Question: War between the North and the South 
Answer: The Civil War