

Question: to go closer to something
Answer: What is approach

Question: To curl up comfortably
Answer: What is to nestle?

Question: To predict
Answer: What is to forecast

Question: one that causes damage
Answer: What is destructive?

Question: to watch something
Answer: What is to observer?

Question: to become ill with a disease
Answer: What is to contract it?

Question: Not being able to move
Answer: What is paralysis?

Question: I'm fine thank you.
Answer: What is a response to "how are you"?

Question: A person who might say, "I'm sure it will rain!"
Answer: What is a pessimist?

Question: To make a secret known
Answer: What is to expose it?

Question: The opposite of admiration
Answer: What is contempt?

Question: To have people as guests
Answer: What is to entertain them?

Question: To make fun of a person
Answer: What is to mock someone?

Question: To keep on trying.
Answer: What is to persist?

Question: To remember
Answer: What is to recall?

Question: A bank robber or other bad person
Answer: What is a scoundrel?

Question: To make improvement
Answer: What is to progress?

Question: To tell a person information
Answer: What is to disclose?

Question: To plan to do something
Answer: What is to intend?

Question: whole
Answer: What is the meaning of entire?

Question: to mistake one thing for another
Answer: What is to confuse?

Question: To spread out
Answer: What is to distribute?

Question: To be able to adjust to new situations
Answer: What is flexible?

Question: sharp
Answer: What is keen?

Question: To change
Answer: What is to aler?