
Huck Finn Plot Details

Plot Diagram

Question: First person, through the eyes of Huck
Answer: What is point of view?

Question: The setting, time period, and information about Huck's involvement in the first book, "Tom Sawyer"
Answer: What is exposition?

Question: Huck decides he'd rather go to hell than betray Jim and turn him in.
Answer: What is the climax of the story?

Question: Miss Watson and the Widow Douglas try to civilize Huck. Pap kidnaps him. Huck fakes his own death to escape and goes out on his own where he finds Jim.
Answer: What is rising action?

Question: Tom reveals that Miss Watson died two months ago and freed Jim in her will. Huck decides he is done with civilized society for good and plans to travel West.
Answer: What is resolution?


Question: This theme explores inequality between blacks and whites in the south.
Answer: What is racism and slavery?

Question: An example of this theme is how Miss Watson wants Huck to go to school but his father thinks he'll learn more on his own.
Answer: What is intellectual vs. moral education?

Question: Society says run away slaves must be returned to their owners because slaves are property not people.
Answer: What is the hypocrisy of civilized society?

Question: Huck decides he'd rather go to hell than turn in his friend, Jim, even though he knows he'll be breaking the law.
Answer: What is the hypocrisy of civilized society?

Question: Twain uses the relationship between Huck and Jim as an allegorical representation of this theme for the south in a post-Civil War society.
Answer: What is racism and slavery?


Question: Jim thinks a hairball can predict the future.
Answer: What is superstitions and folk beliefs?

Question: Huck thinks a canon shot can raise a dead body in the river.
Answer: What is superstitions and folk beliefs?

Question: Tom's plans are always very elaborate but not well planned out because he uses this as his guide.
Answer: What are parodies of popular romance/adventure novels?

Question: Huck's age gives him opportunity to see things from both a child's point of view and an adult's point of view.
Answer: What is Childhood?

Question: Huck learns that deception can be a good thing, depending on its purpose.
Answer: What are Lies and Cons?


Question: The standard meaning for water in literature
Answer: What is Rebirth/Baptism?

Question: Ultimate symbol of freedom for Huck and Jim
Answer: What is the Mississippi River?

Question: The River acts against Huck and Jim in this type of conflict
Answer: What is external - man vs. nature?

Question: Though the river continues to offer __________ from trouble, it often brings Huck and Jim from one bad situation to another.
Answer: What is refuge or relief?

Question: In this transition from idyllic retreat to source of peril, the river mirrors the complicated ______________________.
Answer: What is state of the South?


Question: This good Christian woman owns slaves.
Answer: Who is Miss Watson?

Question: Pap is angry with Huck for going to school.
Answer: What is situational irony?

Question: Jim's thoughts about being a slave, "I's rich now, come to look at it. I owns myself, en I's wuth eight hund'd dollars."
Answer: What is verbal irony?

Question: When the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons go to church, they leave their rifles at the door and listen to the gospel about peace.
Answer: What is situational irony?

Question: Jim tells Huck he's going to help his wife and kids escape, causing Huck to comment, "I was so sorry to hear Jim say that, it was such a lowering of him."
Answer: What is situational irony?