
The 1950\'s

The 1952 Election

Question: Before 1952, does Ike ever express an interest in being President?
Answer: NO. He expressly said he does not want it, until he is "drafted."

Question: Name one issue that upsets Ike enough to run for president.
Answer: 1. China goes communist.
2. Soviets acquire nuclear bombs
3. Korea stalemate
4. Truman administration ethics
5. Communism in government

Question: How does Eisenhower campaign for President?
Answer: Same as Truman. He does a "whistle stop campaign on a train.

Question: What is Eisenhower's campaign rallying cry of concerns?
Answer: "Communism, Corruption, and Korea"

Question: What is one of Ike's presidential goals in his first term?
Answer: 1. End Korean war
2. Balance Federal Budget
3. Olive Branch of USSR - 'The Chance for Peace" speech
4. Strong military based on nukes, stronger air force

Ike The Person

Question: What was Ike's favorite pastime?
Answer: Playing golf or painting

Question: What resulted from Ike's famous and volcanic temper in 1955?
Answer: His first heart attack

Question: What becomes the "temporary White House for 38 days while Eisenhower recuperates from his heart attack in 1955?
Answer: His farm in Gettysburg PA

Question: How was Ike in Presidential Press Conferences?
Answer: Notoriously evasive and folksy. You walked out feeling ok but not richer in a lot of information!

Question: What does Eisenhower warn us about in a speech at the end of his Presidency? It was noteworthy because he was a career military man.
Answer: "Beware the military - industrial complex."


Question: Senator McCarthy presided over this dreaded Senate committee.
Answer: The House Un-American Activities Committee.

Question: What was it called when you were fired, censured, or otherwise prevented from working because you were accused of being a communist or communist sympathizer?
Answer: "Blacklisted"

Question: What famous play by Arthur Miller about the Salem Witch trials is a metaphor for the McCarthy Era?
Answer: The Crucible

Question: What was the nickname for the group of actors and writers who were blacklisted as communists in the 1950's?
Answer: The Hollywood Ten

Question: What was Executive Order 9835?
Answer: This was the Loyalty Order where Civil Service and Military personnel had to swear a loyalty oath which essentially made sure they were not communists.


Question: Khrushchev takes control after this Soviet leader dies
Answer: Joseph Stalin

Question: Khrushchev debates with this Vice President on an official visit to the USSR. It is really a debate on ideology.
Answer: Richard Nixon.

Question: On his famous visit to the U.S., where did Khrushchev say he really wanted to visit the most?
Answer: Disneyland

Question: When Eisenhower refuses to apologize for the U-2 spy plane fiasco, Khrushchev walks out of this meeting and ends hopes for warmer relations with the U.S.
Answer: The Paris Summit

Question: What event shows the world that Krushchev is not going to be a warmer and friendlier leader than Stalin in 1956?
Answer: The military end to the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 thanks to tanks and troops that he orders in.

1950's T.V.

Question: This famous show debuted in 1955 and starred a husband and wife team who were married in real life. It was ground-breaking as a "mixed Marriage" on t.v. because the husband was Cuban.
Answer: I Love Lucy

Question: This children's show featured a puppet, a clown, and "Buffalo Bob"
Answer: Howdy Doody

Question: What changes happened to radio because T.V. became more popular in the 1950's?
Answer: Radio stations dropped drama and variety shows in favor of music, news, and community services.

Question: How did television affect the movie industry?
Answer: Theatre attendance dropped and thousands of theaters closed.

Question: Some of the most important children's shows of the decade featured a dog, a mouse, and a man with a mask. Name the shows.
Answer: Lassie, Mickie Mouse Club, and the Lone Ranger