
Chapter 6


Question: Anything you require to live.
Answer: Need

Question: the set of positive and negative factors that direct individual behavior
Answer: Motivation

Question: the study of consumers and how they make decisions
Answer: Consumer Behavior

Question: a group of people or an organization that an individual admires, identifies with and wants to be part of.
Answer: Reference Groups

Question: Motives based on loyalty and encourage consumers to purchase from a particular business or to buy a particular brand.
Answer: Paronage Motives

Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs

Question: Food, water, shelter, clothing
Answer: Physiological Needs

Question: Physical, Economic
Answer: Safety Needs

Question: Friends, belong, love
Answer: Love and Belonging

Question: Respect, recognition
Answer: Esteem

Question: Realize your potential
Answer: Self-actualization

Decision Making Process

Question: 1st step
Answer: Need Recognition

Question: 2nd Step
Answer: Information Search

Question: 3rd Step
Answer: Alternative Evaluation

Question: 4th Step
Answer: Purchase

Question: 5th Step
Answer: Post Purchase

Types of Decision Making

Question: What is decision making?
Answer: the process by which consumers collect and analyze information to make choices among alternatives

Question: Does not require alot of time
Answer: Routine Decision

Question: Less Frequent
Answer: Limited Decision

Question: Requires lots of time and research
Answer: Extensive Decision

Question: What are Marketers Responses?
Answer: What type of decision is it.


Question: What is the difference between a need and a want?
Answer: a want is an unfulfilled desire whereas a need is anything you require to live.

Question: What are the buying motivations?
Answer: Emotional, rational and patronage

Question: Examples of Consumer Behavior
Answer: Purchasing Patterns, needs vs wants, pricing comparision, and quality

Question: Influences of Buying Decisions
Answer: Personality, Gender, Ethnicity, and Age

Question: What is lifestyle?
Answer: The way a person lives as reflected by material goods, activities, and relationships