


Question: patriot who wrote the common sense

a thomas paine
b thomas jefferson
c thomas gage
d sameul adams

Answer: a thomas paine

Question: what was the name of the patriot who turned into a traitor 

a Benedict Arnold

b Cripus attucks

Answer:  Benedict Arnold

Question: commander of the cointenental army
Answer: George washington

Question: patriot who was called swamp fox
Answer: Francis marion

Question: patriot who said give me liberty or give me death
Answer: patrick henry

other peeps

Question: who brought water to the soldiers during battle

a adolph hitler
b nemo
c king George 3
d molly pitcher

Answer: d molly pitcher

Question: women who disguised as a man during the war

a mulan

b Deborah sampson

Answer: b Deborah sampson

Question: early leader of the womens rights 
Answer: abigial adams

Question: French man who donated 200,000 dollars to the patriots and help train troops
Answer: Marquis de lafayette

Question: main author of the Decleration of independance
Answer: thomas jefferson


Question: govornor of spanish louisiana who let the colonits use new orleans & fought to protect new orleans
Answer: Bernardo de galvez

Question: wrote plays during the revolution
Answer: mercy otis warren

Question: how many british soldiers were attacking lexington
Answer: 700

Question: how much money did one man donate to the patriots
Answer: 200,000 dollars

Question: what was the name of the ship named after benjamin franklin called
Answer: Bonhamme richard

random people

Question: a slave who served as a spy under general lafayette
Answer: james armistead

Question: who was the leader of the sons of liberty
Answer: sameul adams

Question: another rider just like paul revere
Answer: wentworth cheswell

Question: american diplomat who gained support from france and key negotiator in the treaty of paris of 17 83 the ended american rvolution
Answer: ben franklin

Question: lawere who defended soldiers after the boston massacere
Answer: John adams

true or false

Question: were spies ever used into the war

a yes 
b no

Answer: a yes

Question: was there a man called the swamp fox

yes or no 


was the governor of Massachusetts who led 700soldier to lexington and concord thomas gage 

yes or no

Answer: yes

Question: was the king of British named George  

yes or no 

Answer: yes

Question: was there ever a traitor among the colonits
Answer: yes