
Brit Lit - Middle Ages

Who's Who

Question: Which author's last name means "shoemaker" in French.
Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer

Question: Who was shot in the eye with an arrow and died in the Battle of Hastings?
Answer: Harold Godwinson

Question: Who became king of England after the Battle of Hastings?
Answer: William of Normandy

Question: Who was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215
Answer: King John

Question: Who was King John's brother who fought in the Crusades?
Answer: Richard the Lion-Hearted

Who Wrote That?

Question: Who wrote the Canterbury Tales?
Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer

Question: Who wrote Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?
Answer: We don't know.

Question: Who translated the version of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight that we read in class?
Answer: J.R.R. Tolkien

Question: Who wrote the ballad "Barbara Allan"?
Answer: We don't know.

Question: Who wrote Le Morte d'Arthur?
Answer: Sir Thomas Malory

Le Mot Juste

Question: What is the literary term for the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words.

Answer: Alliteration

Question: What is the literary term for the continuation of a sentence beyond the end of the line without a pause?
Answer: Enjambment.

Question: What is the word that means "in the ordinary language of the people"?
Answer: Vernacular.

Question: What word comes from the French and literally means to "cover the fire"?
Answer: Curfew

Question: What is "reading a passage and rewriting it using your own words, being careful not to use wording that is close to the original, having the finished paraphrase be about the same length as the original" called?
Answer: Paraphrasing


Question: What language did William bring with him when he conquered England?
Answer: Norman French

Question: During England's Middle Ages Period, what was the language of the church and of scholars?
Answer: Latin

Question: After 1066, what was the prestige language in England?
Answer: French

Question: What were the three languages of England during the Middle Ages?
Answer: Anglo-Saxon, French, and Latin

Question: The Anglo-Saxon word for an animal referred to the animal when it was here -- in contrast to the French word for the animal, which was used when the animal became this?
Answer: Anglo-Saxon - the animal in the field
French - the animal served as meat on the table

A Little Context, Please

Question: What are the dates for the Medieval Period in England?
Answer: 1066-1485

Question: Why is 1066 an important date in British History?
Answer: It's the date for the Battle of Hastings/Norman Invasion.

Question: Why is 1485 an important date?
Answer: Henry VII became king

Question: This war was fought between England and France between 1337 and 1453.
Answer: The Hundred Years' War

Question: This war was fought between the house of Lancaster and the house of York and ended in 1485 when Henry VII, a Lancastrian, killed Richard III and became king.
Answer: The War of the Roses.