
PALN Reformation Jeopardy

Martin Luther

Question: This person posted the 95 Theses on October 31st, 1517.
Answer: Who is Martin Luther?

Question: This person wrote the hymn "A Mighty Fortress"
Answer: Who is Martin Luther?

Question: This person wrote both the Large Catechism and the Small Catechism.
Answer: Who is Martin Luther?

Question: This person married former nun Katarina Von Bora.
Answer: Who is Martin Luther?

Question: During a terrible thunderstorm, this person is said to have prayed to St. Anne to save him, and if she saved him, he would become a monk.
Answer: Who is Martin Luther?

Since the Reformation...

Question: How many Lutherans does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: What is none, Lutherans don't like change

Question: If you do this, you will get the stink eye, and possibly face excommunication. 
Answer: What is sitting in someone else's pew?

Question: Before the Reformation, the selling of indulgences was one way that a person could purchase someone's way out of purgatory and into heaven. After the reformation, Lutherans believed that humanity can only be saved by this gift of God, through faith.
Answer: What is Grace?

Question: A lower-case 'c'
Answer: What is the way Lutherans write the word catholic?

Question: What can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord?
Answer: What is nothing.

Lutheran 'S'Words

Question: Humanity is in need of God's saving grace because of this.
Answer: What is sin?

Question: Lutheran choirs are full of people who really like to do this.
Answer: What is sin?

Question: Lutherans believe that it is Jesus Christ alone through whom we receive this saving gift.
Answer: What is salvation?

Question: Lutherans believe that these, called means of grace, specifically Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, are to be commanded by Jesus, and available to all people. 
Answer: What are Sacraments?

Question: There were many relics in Luther's time, some of which are this kind of bladed weapon.

Answer: What are swords? 

Favourite Hymns

Question: This is the hymn of fisherman.
Answer: What is Shall We Gather at the River?

Question: This is the insurance salesman's favourite hymn.
Answer: What is "Blessed Assurance"?

Question: This is the favourite hymn of the farmer picking the vegetables
Answer: What is "I Come to the Garden Alone"?

Question: This is the perfectionist's favourite hymn.
Answer: What is "Just As I Am"?

Question: This is the painter's favourite hymn.
Answer: What is "How Great Thou Art"?

PALN Trivia

Question: The number 46
Answer: What is the number of times Lutherans in the Parkland Area fell asleep during last weeks sermons.

Question: The number 17.
Answer: What is the number of hamburgers the PALN pastors ate at the last picnic.

Question: The number 144
Answer: What is the number of cheesy jokes PALN pastors used in sermons this past month. 

Question: The PALN is a voluntary association of congregations from the Synod of Alberta and the Territories of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and the Canadian Association of Lutheran Churches, which all consider the Lutheran Confessions, specifically the Augsburg Confession to be central in theology. How many cows are in the picture that I am holding right now?
Answer: What is 9?

Question: The number 8
Answer: What is the minimum number of Jello dishes required for any Lutheran Potluck.