
US History Midterm Review 2

Early America

Question: What was one of the reasons that the American Colonists rebelled against England?

Answer: The colonists didn't have representation in Parliament.

Question: Colonial trade routes could be represented in a diagram representing a shape. Collectively, these colonial trade routes were known as.....
Answer: Triangular Trade

Question: Aside from a lack of representation in Parliament, there were a number of reasons why the colonists rebelled against Great Britain. What are two of them?
Answer: Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Townshend Acts, Boston Massacre, Tea Act, Coercive Acts

Question: Where was most of the power under the Articles of Confederation?
Answer: States

Question: In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was most influenced by the writers of the.....
Answer: Enlightenment

The Presidents

Question: During his Farewell Address, George Washington offered what foreign policy advice?
Answer: The new nation should avoid permanent alliances during peacetime.

Question: What geographic advantages did the U.S. gain as a result of the Louisiana Purchase?
Answer: full control of the Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans.

Question: As a result of President Andrew Jackson's policies, Native Americans Indians were forcibly moved where?
Answer: lands west of the Mississippi River.

Question: Alexander Hamilton's argument that the government has the power to create a National Bank is based on which part of the Constitution? What gives the government the right to create a National Bank?
Answer: Elastic Clause

Question: The conflict between states' rights and federal supremacy are reflected in two pieces of legislation passed during the John Adams Administration. What was one of them?
Answer: Alien and Sedition Acts/VA and KY Resolutions

Constitution Tested

Question: At times, the United States Government has passed protective tariffs to.....
Answer: help Northern manufacturers.

Question: During the period 1820-1860, the major concerns in the U.S. dealt with issues related to.....
Answer: determining the future of slavery.

Question: In the United States, national politics began to form in the decade after the adoption of the Federal Constitution mainly as a response to the....
Answer: political and economic differences

Question: Why do most historians consider Alexander Hamilton to have been a successful Secretary of the Treasury?
Answer: He established a sound financial plan for the new nation.

Question: Of a Justice of the Supreme Court, a Cabinet member, the President, and a member of the House.....which is elected directly by the people?
Answer: member of the House.

Constitution and Government

Question: The main purpose of the Bill of Rights is...
Answer: prevent governmental abuse of power.

Question: How do Presidents most directly influence the future decisions of the Supreme Court?
Answer: Appointing new Justices with Senate approval.

Question: The court rulings in Schenck v. United States and Korematsu v. United States illustrate that.....
Answer: Rights can be limited during wartime

Question: The Constitutional guarantee of the writ of Habeas Corpus makes it unlawful for a citizen of the U.S. to be.....
Answer: jailed for an extended period of time without a hearing.

Question: The passage of this amendment, whereby Senators became directly elected by the people, increased the opportunity for public participation in the political process.
Answer: 17th

Constitution and Government 2

Question: The election of this President was the immediate cause of secession of several Southern States from the Union in 1860.
Answer: Abraham Lincoln

Question: Lincoln's primary goal early in his presidency was to....
Answer: preserve the union.

Question: The 14th Amendment, in addition to awarding citizenship to former slaves, it......
Answer: guarantees equal protection under the law.

Question: A major result of the Civil War is that the federal government was able to do what?
Answer: increase power over the states.

Question: These two amendments were passed just after the conclusion of the Civil War
Answer: 14th and 15th