
French Revolution EA2

Robespierre Facts

Question: When was Robespierre born?
Answer: May 6, 1758

Question: What is Robespierre's first name?
Answer: Maximilien

Question: Why was he obsessed with the guillotine? 
Answer: He wanted Dictatorial power. 

Question: Why did Robespierre initiate the Reign of Terror?
Answer: He was faced with pressure and paranoid.

Question: How did Robespierre die?
Answer: Execution

Committee of Public Safety

Question: How long was Robespierre on the Committee of Public Safety?
Answer: About one year. Ironically, the Committee was destroyed based on Robespierre's actions.

Question: How much influence did the Committee of Public Safety have?
Answer: They almost controlled the government.

Question: Is the Committee of Public Safety mentioned in the Scarlet Pimpernel?
Answer: Yes, in the early chapters.

Question: What did Robespierre ask of the Committee of public safety?
Answer: To up the doings of the Reign of Terror.

Question: What did Robespierre disapprove of?
Answer: The Anti-Christian Movement and the Cult of Reason.

Not-So-Fun Facts

Question: When did Robespierre become a member of the Committee of Public Safety?
Answer: July 27, 1793

Question: How many people died in the Reign of Terror
Answer: About 40,000

Question: When did Robespierre exonerate a mob?
Answer: September 5th, 1792

Question: Who did he declare war on?
Answer: Austria and Prussia.

Question: What did Robespierre include in his diary?
Answer: What they needed was him as a dictator.

The Aftermath

Question: Who ended the French Revolution?
Answer: Napoleon Bonepart

Question: Was Robespierre able to escape prison?
Answer: Yes, but he was executed anyway.

Question: Who (Ironically) then became emperor of France?
Answer: Napoleon Bonaporte

Question: Did Life in France Get Better Right Away?
Answer: No, It returned to military failure and corruption.

Question: When did Napoleon B. overthrow the directory?
Answer: 1799


Question: Fill in the Blank: In 1799, a military coup led by ___  overthrew the Directory and established him as first consul, with dictatorial powers. In 1804, ___ proclaimed himself emperor of ___.
Answer: Napoleon, Napoleon, France.

Question: When did the Reign of Terror start and end?
Answer: 1793-1974

Question: When did Robespierre and ______ others get "Sent" to the Guillotine?
Answer: July 25th, 1794

Question: How many others got sent to the guillotine with Robespierre?
Answer: 21 followers

Question: Was Robespierre a good person? 
Answer: (Open Ended!)