
1,2,3,&4 key terms and randoms

chapter 1

Question: The relationships among the world’s state governments and the connection of those relationships with other actors (such as the United Nations, multinational corporations, and individuals), with other social relationships (including economics, culture, and domestic politics), and with geographic and historical influences. (1)

Answer: international relations

Question: The types of actions that states take towards each other through time
Answer: conflict and cooperation

Question: An inhabited territorial entity controlled by a government that exercises sovereignty on its territory.
Answer: state

Question: The disparity in resources (income, wealth, and power) between the industrialized, relatively rich countries of the West (and the former East) and the poorer countries of Africa, the Middle East, and much of Asia and Latin America
Answer: North-South gap

Question: Who said the ruling science studying the highest good is political science
Answer: aristotle

chapter 2

Question: A broad intellectual tradition that explains international relations mainly in terms of power.
Answer: realism

Question: Generally, the half dozen or so most powerful states; the ___________ club was exclusively European until the twentieth century
Answer: great powers

Question: The argument that regimes are most effective when power in the international system is most concentrated.
Answer: hegemonic stability theory

Question: The use of force to make another actor take some action (rather than, as in deterrence, refrain from taking an action).
Answer: compellence

Question: The threat to punish another actor if it takes a certain negative action (especially attacking one’s own state or one’s allies). The term has a somewhat more specific meaning in the context of the nuclear balance between the superpowers during the Cold War
Answer: deterrence

chapter 3

Question: , an approach that stresses the importance of international institutions in reducing the inherent conflict that realists assume in an international system; the reasoning is based on the core liberal idea that seeking long-term mutual gains is often more rational than maximizing individual short-term gains. (66)
Answer: neoliberal

Question: The proposition, strongly supported by empirical evidence, that democracies almost never fight wars against each other (although they do fight against authoritarian states. (70)
Answer: democratic peace

Question: A branch of socialism that emphasizes exploitation and class struggle and includes both communism and other approaches.
Answer: Marxism

Question: A strand of feminism that believes gender differences are not just socially constructed and that views women as inherently less warlike than men (on average
Answer: difference feminism

Question: A strand of feminism that emphasizes gender equality and views the “essential” differences in men’s and women’s abilities or perspectives as trivial or nonexistent
Answer: liberal feminism

chapter 4

Question: War for control of the entire world order -- the rules of the international system as a whole. Also known as world war, global war, general war, or systemic war
Answer: hegemonic war

Question: A war between factions within a state trying to create, or prevent, a new government for the entire state or some territorial part of it.
Answer: civil war

Question: A difference in preferred outcomes in a bargaining situation
Answer: conflict

Question: A broad and diverse world religion whose divergent populations include Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, and many smaller branches and sects, practiced by Muslims, from Nigeria to Indonesia, centered in the Middle East.
Answer: Islam

Question: The tendency to see one’s own group (in-group) in favorable terms and an out-group in unfavorable terms
Answer: ethnocentrism


Question: The best example of an IGO? (intergovernmental agency)
Answer: EU not the UN

Question: When was the division of china? (at least the decade)
Answer: 1949

Question: What is the most important indicator of short term power?
Answer: millitary cap.

Question: Difference feminist believe that men are more inherently _____ then women?
Answer: warlike

Question: Which level of analysis is most associated with balance of power?
Answer: Interstate.