


Question: The law that states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in ordinary chemical and physical changes.
Answer: Law of conservation of mass

Question: The law that states that energy can not be created or destroyed
Answer: The law of conservation of energy

Question: The law that states that when two elements combine to form two or more compounds, the mass of one element that combines with a given mass of the other is in the ratio of small whole numbers
Answer: law of multiple proportions

Question: The law that states that a chemical compound always contains the same elements in exactly the same proportions by weight or mass
Answer: law of definite proportions

Question: The law that states that if you make your chemistry teacher upset, he will kick some series a%%!!!
Answer: The law of Szeliga's Classroom

Parts of an Atom

Question: The subatomic particle that has a positive charge.
Answer: Proton

Question: The part of the atom that has a negative charge.
Answer: Electron

Question: The part of the atom that is neutral.
Answer: Neutron

Question: Are located in orbitals outside the nucleus of an atom.
Answer: Electrons

Question: Are located in the nucleus of an atom?
Answer: Protons and Neutrons

Dalton's Theory

Question: The theory that all matter is composed of atoms.
Answer: The atomic theory

Question: Which statement in Dalton's atomic theory is supported by the law of conservation of mass?
Answer: The statement that atoms cannot be created or destroyed

Question: Dalton's atomic theory contains five basic principles, some of which have been modified. Which two theories have been proven incorrect.
Answer: #1. all matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms, which cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed.

#5. in chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged but never created, destroyed, or changed.

Question: There is no difference between the gold found in an ancient Egyptian necklace or the gold found in the South American rainforest. Which of the Dalton's theory does this statement apply?
Answer: # 2. atoms of a given element are identical in their physical and chemical properties

Question: The best chemistry teacher in the School District of Philadelphia?
Answer: Mr. Szeliga


Question: The energy of an object that is due to the objects motion.
Answer: Kinetic Energy

Question: Stored energy...
Answer: Potential energy

Question: Describes a process in which a system releases heat into the environment.
Answer: Exothermic

Question: Describes a process in which heat is absorbed from the environment.
Answer: Endothermic

Question: The two temperature scales that are used in chemistry.
Answer: Celsius and Kelvin

Periodic Table

Question: Discovered the Nucleus of an Atom by using the Gold Foil Experiment.
Answer: Rutherford

Question: It tells your the number of protons in an atom.
Answer: Atomic Number

Question: The number of protons and neutrons can be found by the what?
Answer: Mass number

Question: If an atom has an atomic number 19 and a mass number of 39. How many neutrons does it have?
Answer: 20 Neutrons

Question: If an atom has a mass number of 133 and 78 neutrons, how many electrons does it have?
Answer: (78 protons) = 78 electrons