
Chapter 16 ~ Stars and Galaxies


Question: Where does a new star form?
Answer: A Nebula

Question: A robot vehicle used to explore deep space is a _______ .
Answer: space probe

Question: A huge system of stars, dust, and gas is a ________.
Answer: galaxy

Question: Everything that exists is the _______.
Answer: universe

Question: Astronomy is ________
Answer: ...... the study of planets, stars, and other objects in space.

History of Astronomy

Question: Repeated events such as the the rising and setting of the Sun, the changing of the seasons, and the phases of the moon helped ancient people create _______.
Answer: calendars

Question: A tool used by early astronomers to see far away objects in space was the _____________.
Answer: telescope

Question: Why did ancient people build structures such as Stonehenge and Chichen Itza?
Answer: To show they understood the movements of the Sun, moon, and stars.

Question: What was Galileo's most famous discovery using a telescope to explore space?
Answer: The Earth and planets revolve around the Sun!

Question: New technology continues to explore space. What is space probe?
Answer: A robot vehicle used to explore deep space

What Is a Star?

Question: Dark areas on the Sun's photosphere that are cooler than the rest of the sun are called _______.
Answer: sun spots

Question: The Earth's star (the Sun) is a _ (color?)___ star that is _________ size.
Answer: yellow, medium

Question: The outer layer of the Sun's atmosphere that we can't really see is called the ___________.
Answer: corona

Question: Solar flares and prominences come from which part of the Sun's atmosphere?
Answer: the chromosphere

Question: What kind of eclipse doe the following represent? Tell what is happening.

SUN ----------MOON ----------- EARTH
Answer: This is a solar eclipse. The moon is blocking the Sun's light from reaching the Earth causing a dark shadow on part of the Earth.

Grouping Stars

Question: The Earth is in the _____________________ galaxy.
Answer: Milky Way

Question: The Milky Way is a _______________ type of galaxy.
Answer: spiral

Question: Some galaxies look like a football in shape. These are called __________.
Answer: elliptical galaxies

Question: People in different ____________________________ see different constellations.
Answer: hemispheres

Question: Everything in a galaxy is held together by ______________________.
Answer: gravity

Extra Info

Question: Stories that that tell about the constellations are called _____.
Answer: myths

Question: What type of telescope can get a clearer picture of space and why?
Answer: A space telescope that is sent out of the Earth atmosphere (like the Hubble Space Telescope) because it is past the interference of the Earth's atmosphere.

Question: A bright red loop or stream that leaps from the Sun's chromosphere is a _____________.
Answer: prominence

Question: The light we see comes from which part of the Sun?
Answer: the photosphere

Question: Explain why it seems like the stars move across the sky during the night.
Answer: The Earth is rotating on it's axis. It makes one rotation every 24 hours.