
US History Midterm review

Early America

Question: The Virginia House of Burgesses and the Mayflower Compact were early attempts to establish this in the colonies.
Answer: Representative government

Question: The development of independent colonial trade practices in the colonies occurred because of this British policy.
Answer: Salutary Neglect

Question: The primary purpose of the Declaration of Independence was.....
Answer: To explain and justify why the American colonists revolted against their mother country.

Question: In "Common Sense," this man said that the American colonies should declare their independence from Great Britain.
Answer: Thomas Paine

Question: The Declaration of Independence states that the fundamental purpose of a government is to....
Answer: secure for the people their natural rights.

The Presidents

Question: The biggest foreign policy success for Thomas Jefferson was....
Answer: The purchase of Louisiana.

Question: Aside from the two-term limit, name one precedent that was set by George Washington
Answer: Policy of neutrality, Cabinet (advisors)

Question: The creation of this tax led to the Whiskey Rebellion.
Answer: Excise Tax

Question: In deciding to purchase the Louisiana Territory, President Jefferson had to overcome this personal issue.
Answer: His belief in strict interpretation of the Constitution.

Question: The policies of President Polk were primarily intended to fulfill America's belief in....
Answer: Manifest Destiny

The Constitution Tested

Question: Both the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 settled conflicts between the North and South over.....(one of two possible answers)
Answer: admission of states to the union/efforts to settle the slavery issue in new territories.

Question: The Monroe Doctrine was established mainly because the U.S. wanted to......
Answer: Warn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America.

Question: William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman, and Harriet Beecher Stowe are best known for their efforts to....
Answer: oppose the practice of slavery. (abolition)

Question: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott were best noted for their struggle to.....
Answer: secure the right to vote for women.

Question: The issues of State's rights, the extension of slavery, and tariffs all led to what between the North and the South.
Answer: Sectional rivalries (differences).

The Constitution and Government

Question: At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, what was the major conflict between the small states and the large states centered around?
Answer: How to determine representation in Congress.

Question: The two groups who differed over ratification of the Constitution due to a conflict over representation were known as....
Answer: Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Question: If a President vetoed a bill, the United States Constitution provides that the bill will become a law when the bill is.....
Answer: passed again by 2/3 majority of both Houses of Congress.

Question: The publication of these essays were intended to....
Answer: encourage ratification of the Constitution.

Question: A decision of the U.S. Supreme Court can be overturned by...(one of two possible answers)
Answer: an amendment to the Constitution/a future Supreme Court decision.

The Constitution and Government 2

Question: Which area of the government did the Founding Fathers believe would be most reflective of the wishes of the people?
Answer: the House of Representatives.

Question: The power for the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional is known as....
Answer: judicial review.

Question: The division of powers between a national government and state governments is known as......
Answer: federalism.

Question: Of the five Constitutional principles...the impeachment process is a good example of this one.
Answer: Checks and Balances

Question: This section of the Constitution grants Congress the power to "make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers..."
Answer: The Elastic Clause