
American Revolution

Important People of the Revolution

Question: This person wrote the booklet, "Common Sense".

Answer: Who is Thomas Paine.

Question: This man was a writer, printer, inventor, scientist, statesman and later President of the United States.
Answer: Who is Benjamin Frankin.

Question: This man was the leader of the Sons of Liberty and leader of the Boston Tea Party.
Answer: Who is Samuel Adams.

Question: This was the name of the group that was chosen to write the Declaration.
Answer: Who are the Founding Fathers.

Question: This is the name given to people that choose to act against their own government.
Answer: Who is a traitor.

Battles of the Revolution

Question: This Army was made up of a group of Patriots that volunteered to fight for their independence.
Answer: What is the Continental Army.

Question: The British Army differed from the Continental Army is these 2 ways.
Answer: What is:
1. Well trained
2. paid, full time soldiers
3. experienced fighters
4. had money to buy supplies.

Question: Many American Indians fought for Great Britain for this reason.
Answer: What is restricted settlement on their land.

Question: This battle persuaded France to provide more help to the Patriots in War.
Answer: What is the Battle of Saratoga.

Question: This treaty gave the United States a huge amount of land and recognized the US as an independent nation.
Answer: What is the Treaty of Paris, 1783.

Events that Led to the Revolution

Question: This war involved the French, colonists and British. They were fighting over the land West of the Appalachian Mountains.
Answer: What is the French and Indian War.

Question: This tax was placed on paper goods and everyday items used by the colonists.
Answer: What is the Stamp Act.

Question: This event left 6 people dead after the British troops opened fire on the colonists for protesting laws created by King George III.
Answer: What is the Boston Massacre.

Question: This law states that the colonists cannot settle on Indian land, West of the Appalachian Mountains.
Answer: What is the Proclamation of 1763.

Question: The British King created these laws after the events of the Boston Tea Party to punish the colonists.
Answer: What is the Intolerable Acts.

Declaration of Independence

Question: This person wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.
Answer: Who is Thomas Jefferson.

Question: This is the date that the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress.
Answer: What is July 4, 1776.

Question: The Second Continental Congress was held in this fair city.
Answer: What is Philadelphia.

Question: This booklet was created by Thomas Paine and promoted independence from Great Britian.
Answer: What is "Common Sense".

Question: These are 2 reasons why the Second Continental Congress met on May 10, 1775.
Answer: What is:
1. Prepare for war again Great Britian
2. Appoint a man to lead the Continenal Army
3. To declare independence from Britian

Patriot or Loyalist?

Question: Rich landowners, governors and religious leaders.
Answer: Who are loyalists.

Question: Mercy Otis Warren- writer and poet.
Answer: Who is Patriot.

Question: Thomas Hutchinson- governor of Massachusetts
Answer: Who is Loyalist.

Question: Lord Dunmore- Governor of Virginia
Answer: Who is Loyalist.

Question: Jonathan Boucher- Priest of England
Answer: Who is Loyalist.