
Ch. 8: Constitution

Articles of Confederation

Question: The Articles of Confederation was run by
Answer: Congress

Question: Each State had how many votes in Congress?
Answer: One

Question: How many States participated in supporting the Articles of Confederation?
Answer: 13 (duh!)

Question: Congress had the power to... (name 1)
Answer: 1. Make war and peace
2. raise an army or navy
3. print money
4. set up a postal system.

Question: What was the one thing Congress could NOT do?
Answer: Impose taxes

Quarrels and Accomplishments

Question: Most of the early State grievances were about....
Answer: taxes or boundaries

Question: This ordinance divided up western land into 6 mile squares or townships.
Answer: Land Ordinance of 1785

Question: This allowed territories with populations of 60,000 to apply for Statehood
Answer: The Northwest Ordinance

Question: This was banned in the Northwest territories
Answer: Slavery

Question: How many free adult males did a territory need before they could elect their own legislature (lawmaking body)?
Answer: 5,000

A Need for Change

Question: What was a problem with the Nation's money?
Answer: Coins lacked gold or silver
States printed their own paper currency

Question: What caused Daniel Shays to rebel?
Answer: Taxes

Question: What did the farmers steal from the national arsenal?
Answer: weapons

Question: Why was Congress unable to stop Shays's rebellion?
Answer: There was no Continental Army

Question: What did Shays's rebellion reveal to the nation?
Answer: There was a need for a stronger central government.

State Representation

Question: This plan called for larger States receiving more representation than smaller States.
Answer: The Virginia Plan

Question: This agreement called for a 2 house Congress. One bases on population and one based on equal representation.
Answer: Th Great Compromise

Question: This plan called for all States to receive equal representation in Congress
Answer: The New Jersey Plan

Question: Slaves would be counted by what percentage?
Answer: 3/5ths

Question: Why did the South not want to give up slavery?
Answer: Slaves were used as labor

Chief Executive

Question: This is the name of a single executive
Answer: President

Question: This famous Founding Father was opposed to 1 president
Answer: Ben Franklin

Question: This special body elects the President
Answer: Electoral College

Question: This number of votes was required to ratify the Constitution
Answer: 9

Question: How many delegates refused to sign the Constitution in 1787?
Answer: 3