
SS 10 Review


Question: These ships were crowded and carried distressed Irish Immigrants over to Canada in the 1800's. They were known for their poor living conditions. 
Answer: What are coffin ships 

Question: These Immigrants came over from Ireland during the potato famine. Many did not make it or died in Canada because of this disease. 
Answer: What is Typhus

Question: During the Caribou Gold Rush, this group of immigrants was discriminated against by being forced to work on the outskirts of town and being limited to mining claims that had already been mined 
Answer: Who were Chinese workers

Question: Harriet Tubman helped guide these people to Canada. 
Answer: Who were Southern American slaves 

Question: This group of immigrants was predominantly the 'First Wave' of immigrants to Upper Canada after the American Civil war. 
Answer: Who were loyalist. 

Western Canada (BC)

Question: This was the main town of the Caribou Gold Rush. 
Answer: What is Barkerville 

Question:  This program put forward by the government of Canada was designed to "Kill the Indian in the Child" 
Answer: Residential Schools 

Question: This group of individuals helped develop the service sector in BC (ie. opened laundry mats) and also worked in agriculture in BC's coastal regions. 
Answer: Chinese workers 

Question: After the end of this in California a number of people emigrated to Canada in hopes of getting rich 
Answer: Gold Rush 

Question: This group of people wanted to encourage growth of the fur trade and limit permanent settlement in the Oregon Territory 
Answer: British

Significant Men/ Groups

Question: This man owned the news paper the Colonial Advocate and orchestrated the Rebellion of 1837. 
Answer: William Lyon Mackenzie

Question: This French politician was one of the main fathers of Confederation
Answer: George-etienne Cartier 

Question: This group of men were organized to be a paramilitary organization and to fight the Whiskey trade in the North West. 
Answer: North West Mounted Police

Question: This man set up a colony for poor Scottish farmers in central Canada. 
Answer: Lord Selkirk 

Question: This Political group was lead by George Brown and eventually created a coalition with John A. Macdonald 
Answer: Radical Clear Grits 

Random Facts

Question: This was one of the main reasons for confederation. It was a fear of this American Belief about North America 
Answer: Manifest Destiny

Question: This politician was accused of taking bribes in what was known as the Pacific Scandal
Answer: John A. Macdonald

Question: The first four provinces to join confederation
Answer: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario

Question: In the early 1800's, this territory was partly populated by Americans who wanted to encourage settlement to take control of this space. 
Answer: Oregon Territory 

Question: This province was the last to join confederation in 1949. 
Answer: Newfoundland

Foreign Impacts on Canada

Question: This policy in the state caused African American's to immigrate to Canada 
Answer: Slavery

Question: Especially in 1847, this famine resulted in a large wave of immigration to Canada
Answer: The potato famine

Question: This war with France determined that, what is present day Canada, would be solely British  
Answer: 7 Years War 

Question: This war caused a number of loyalist to move to Canada 
Answer: Loyalist 

Question: The issue of impressment of American Soldiers lead was one of the main causes of this war 
Answer: War of 1812.