
last history class


Question: Who lost World War 1?
Answer: Who is Germany

Question: How many Balkan Wars were there?
Answer: What is 2 

Question: What was the name of Germany's war plan?
Answer: What is 'Schlieffen Plan'

Question: How many years did  World War 1 last?
Answer: What is 4 years

Question: Which countries participated in the 2nd Balkan War?
Answer: What are Serbia, Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria

Treaty of Versailles

Question: Who came up with the 14 points?
Answer: Who is Woodrow Wilson 

Question: What country wanted the most reparations from Germany?
Answer: Who is France

Question: Where was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
Answer: Where is Versailles, Paris, France

Question: What was the name of the French President?
Answer: Who is George Clemenceau

Question: How much did Germany have to pay in reparation?
Answer: What is 6.6 billion 

Influence (Countries)

Question: What was the final trigger of the out break of World War 1?
Answer: What is The July crisis of 1914

Question: Who signed the Blank cheque?
Answer: Who is Germany

Question: Who supported Serbia in the Balkan Wars?
Answer: Who is Russia

Question: Who competed in the 'Naval Race'?
Answer: What are Germany and England

Question: What influenced the Serbian 'terrorists' to assassin Ferdinand?
Answer: What is Nationalism


Question: What was the name of Kaiser Wilhelm II's policy?
Answer: What is 'Weltpolitik'

Question: Who ruined Bismarck's policy?
Answer: Who is Kaiser Wilhelm II

Question: With who did Germany have a disagreement with during the Moroccan Crisis?
Answer: Who is France

Question: What was the idea behind 'Weltpolitik'?
Answer: What is Imperialism 

Question: Who became chancellor after Bismarck in 1890?
Answer: Who is Leo Von Caprivi 

Alliance Systems

Question: What was the names of the two alliance systems during the First Wold War?
Answer: What are 'Triple Alliance' and 'Triple Entente'

Question: What countries took part in the 'Triple Alliance'?
Answer: What is Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Question: What year was the 'Triple Entente' created?
Answer: What is 1907

Question: What was the the main point of the 'Three Emperors' League'?
Answer: What is keeping France isolated

Question: Who was Britain's alliance in the far East?
Answer: Who is Japan