


Question: What was the name of the island?
Answer:  The Marshy island

Question: What was the name of the lake?
Answer: Lake Texcoco

Question: How many years did the Aztecs wonder?
Answer: 200 years

Question: What did they eat?
Answer: Meat,eggs,popcorn,chocolate,avocados,tomatoes,and guavas

Question: What did the Aztecs have in there city life.
Answer: clothing,goods,city buildings,shops,and a swamp


Question: The Aztecs were divided in how many main social classes?
Answer: 2

Question: What were the 2 names of the social classes?
Answer: Nobbles and Commoners

Question: The social classes made up how much of the population?
Answer: 5 out of 10 percent 

Question: The Aztecs were ruled by what 
Answer: A strong king

Question: The Aztecs wedged war to capture who?
Answer: Prisoners


Question: Every time the Aztecs got a new emperor they had to do what?
Answer:  The Aztecs had to get more land then they currently had

Question: Why did the Aztecs land expand?
Answer: The emperor who ruled made decisions to battle and gain more land

Question: Are some of the Aztecs inventions still used today?
Answer: yes (ex. chocolate and popcorn)

Question: What did the Aztecs do to produce food?
Answer: The Aztecs made a farm

Question: What did the Aztecs use to make their clothing?
Answer: Cotton


Question: The Aztecs believed that the what were the keys of survival

Answer: The gods were the key to survival

Question: The Aztecs did ceremonies believing it would make who happier?
Answer: The gods

Question: What was the Aztecs religion?
Answer: Mesoamerican

Question: The Aztecs name was known to who?
Answer: The Western Historians

Question: Who were the Aztecs?
Answer: The Aztecs was a tribe and had a certain ethnic group of central Mexico


Question: Who won the war against the Aztecs?
Answer: The Spanish

Question: How many soldiers did the Aztecs have and how many warriors did the Spanish have?
Answer: Aztecs had 10,000 soldiers 

Spanish had 550 warriors

Question: When did the Spanish win against the Aztecs? 
Answer: In 1521

Question: Who were some of the Aztecs enemies?
Answer: Huaxtec,Purempheca,Mayans,and the Spanish

Question: Which one of the Aztecs enemies had a advantaged on the Aztecs because they studied the stars,counted the days of the year, and made calendars.
Answer: The Mayans