
GEO-7 Spring Final #1


Question: 3 Characteristics (traits) of the European Union
Answer: 1. formed in the 1990's
2. considered the largest economy in the world
3. has a common currency (the Euro)

Question: Define POLDERS & explain why they are needed in the Netherlan
Answer: Reclaimed land from the sea used for growing crops.

Question: Name the 2 peninsulas in Europe 7 tell where they are located
Answer: Iberian peninsula - Spain & Portugal
Scandinavian peninsula -  Norway & Sweden

Question: 3 reasons Swedes are willing to pay high taxes
Answer: 1. government makes it easy to pay taxes
2. Extensive child care benefits & parental leave
3. free healthcare
4. access to good education

Question: Give 3 advantages of the Rhine-Danube Industrial Corridor
Answer: 1. connects North Sea to the Black Sea
2. moves goods from interior to exterior of Europe
3. runs through 13 countries 7 over 70 cities


Question: Name of the nuclear disaster in Ukraine
Answer: Chernobyl

Question: Country responsible for the drying up of the Aral Sea
Answer: Russia/Soviet Union

Question: Define Caste system (& where it originates)
Answer: a class system originating in India that lasted over 1,000 years

Question: Goal of China's One-Child Policy
Answer: decrease population, China now has 300,000,000 fewer people because of the policy

Question: Three advantages of the 3 Gorges Dam
Answer: dam prevents flooding 
provides water to stop droughts
creates electricity

Middle East

Question: type of land cover over most of the Middle East
Answer: desert

Question: non-renewable resource the Middle East is most known for
Answer: Oil

Question: Two groups fighting over land in Israel
Answer: Israelis & Palestinians

Question: Middle Eastern Country that became a country in 1948
Answer: Israel

Question: 3 ways that wealth form oil has helped the people of the Middle East
Answer: improve healthcare
better housing
build more roads


Question: Define Genocide
Answer: planned extermination of a an entire nation, race or ethnic group

Question: Most modern African countries, including Rwanda are developed or developing
Answer: developing

Question: European Country that colonized Rwanda
Answer: Belgium

Question: 3 things that could happen to people who tried to aid or protect Tutsi's during the Rwanda Genocide
Answer: Jailed, tortured or killed

Question: event that started the Rwandan Genocide
Answer: assassination of Rwanda's President 


Question: Type of land cover over most of Australia
Answer: desert

Question: number of Islands New Zealand is made up of
Answer: two

Question: In what city is 42 Wallaby Way located?
Answer: Sydney Australia

Question: region made up of over 2,000 islands and coral reefs
Answer: Pacific Realm

Question: Pole that Antarctica is centered over.
Answer: South