
Ottomans and Age of Exploration

Ottoman Empire

Question: The Ottoman Empire reached its peak size and grandeur during his reign.
Answer: Suleyman I

Question: This "Lame" military leader interrupted the growth of the Ottoman Empire.
Answer: Timur

Question: In this system,the sultan’s army drafted boys from the peoples of conquered
Christian territories. The army educated them, converted them to Islam, and trained
them as soldiers
Answer: devshirme

Question: He was a warrior who became an able ruler. He turned the Hagia Sophia into a mosque and changed the name of Constantinople to Istanbul.
Answer: Mehmed II

Question: In the West, he was called Othman, and his followers were known as Ottomans.
Answer: Osman

Early Explorers

Question: Which European country was the leader in developing and applying 15th century sailing
Answer: Portugal

Question: He founded a navigational school on the coast of Portugal.
Answer: Henry The Navigator

Question: Who captained the first European ship to sail around the tip of Africa, now known as the Cape of Good Hope?
Answer: Bartolomeu Dias

Question: This explorer found a sea route between Portugal and India
Answer: Vasco da Gama

Question: This established a boarder for new lands Portugal could claim and those Spain could claim
Answer: Line of Demarcation

Japan and China

Question: Kabuki is a type of
Answer: Drama

Question: Haiku is a type of
Answer: literature

Question: The introduction of this corresponded with the warring states period of new feudalism in Japan.
Answer: Firearms

Question: Yonglo established this in china, named because commoners and foreigners were not allowed to enter.
Answer: The Forbidden City

Question: He led seven Chinese overseas
Answer: Zheng He

The New World

Question: By the 1700s, which nation's East India Company dominated the Indian Ocean trade?
Answer: he Netherlands

Question: Which European country was the first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas?
Answer: Spain

Question: In this system, nations should sell more goods than it buys from other countries.
Answer: mercantilism

Question: This investment provided funding colonies in the Americas
Answer: joint stock companies

Question: In the 1400s, what was the most important trade good from the East?
Answer: spices


Question: What was the main reason why the Spanish were able to conquer the Aztecs.
Answer: Disease

Question: Who conquered the Aztec empire?
Answer: Hernando Cortés

Question: What did the encomienda system provide for New Spain?
Answer: A cheap labor force

Question: What was the main economic activity in New France?
Answer: Building a fur trade

Question: New York was originally settled by whom?
Answer: The Dutch