
Cold War


Question: What was the cold war?
Answer: The cold war was a war between USSR and US

Question: In what year did the Cold War occur?
Answer: The cold war occurred during 1947.

Question: What other wars occurred during this time.
Answer: Vietnamese War and or Korean War

Question: What was the reason why USSR and the US were fighting?
USSR wanted to spread communism to other countries. 
Us wanted to build it's economy back up.

Question: What did the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine have in common?
Answer: Both supported the European Countries.

Events/ The People

Question: Was John F. Kennedy an active Cold War participant?
True or False?

Answer: True

Question: Who was the USSR leader?
Answer: After the death of Joseph StalinNikita Khrushchev

Question: What was the Berlin Blockade and Airlift?
Answer: This was a turning point in World War II in Europe.

Question: When was the fall of the Soviet Union?
Answer: Christmas Day, 1991 
This day the Cold War ended.

Question: Why was the Space race important?
Answer: The Space Race was considered important because it showed the world which country had the best science, technology, and economic system. 


Question: In what year did the Korean war begin?
Answer: In 1950 
June of 1950

Question: What happened October 4 1957?
Answer: The space race began.

Question: In what month and year did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur?
Answer: October 1962

Question: What event having to do with Berlin occurred June 26 1948?
Answer: Berlin Blockade and Airlift occurred on that date

Question: In what year did the Cold War finally end?
Answer: 1991 it was from 1941-1991


Question: What was the Berlin Wall?
Answer: 1961 the Soviet Union built a high barrier to build off their sector.

Question: Define Truman Doctrine
Answer: Established in 1947 after Britain no longer could afford to provide anti-communist aid to Greece and Turkey.

Question: What was the Marshall Plan
Answer:   A plan that the US came up with that would aid Europe

Question: NATO's definition
Answer: North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another. US, England , France, Canada, Western European countries. 

Question: What was the iron curtain?
hint: it has to do with a boundary

Answer: the "boundary" that divided Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe from Western European nations not under Soviet domination


Question: What day was Pearl Harbor bombed?
Answer: December 7, 1941

Question: Where did the renaissance begin?
Answer: It began in Italy?

Question: What was the first question we asked you?
Answer: Do you want to play a game?

Question: Who invented the printing press and where was it invented?
Answer: It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in Europe.

Question: Are you going to ace the Social Studies EOG?
Answer: YES!