
Ex & Fit 2


Question: What does HR mean?
Answer: Heart Rate - the number of times the heart beats per minute (60-80bpm)

Question: what are platlets?

Platlets are a component of blood that help stop bleeding.

They have a clotting function

Question: What are the four bone types? give an example of each?

Long - femur

Short - carpals

Irregular - vertebrae

Flat - scapula

Question: What are the opposing muscles to the Latissimus dorsi and the rectus abdominus?

Lats - Pecs

Abs - Erector spinae

Question: What does diastole mean?
Answer: Diastole is the part of the cardiac cycle when the heart refills with
blood following contraction phase (systole)

Client Induction

Question: What should be completed by an exercise and fitness instructor prior to engaging in exercise with new clients?
Answer: Screening form, (client assessment - pre-screening and fitness testing)

Question: What componenets of fitness should be assessed in a comprehensive fitness test?

Cardiovascular fitness - 1mile walk test

Flexibililty - sit and reach

Body Comp - BMI

Muscular fitness - 1 min sit up, 1 rep max

Question: Give two barriers to Older Adults Exercising?






Question: When programming for a client or group what principles of training should be followed?

Overload, Progression, Specificty, Individual Needs, Adaptation, Rest

Question: Give three areas to work on with a pregnant client?

Cardiovascular fitness- low intensity, low impact exercises

Muscular Fitness - low resistance

Flexibility - to maintain range of movement


Question: What is the purpose of a warm up?
Answer: increase body temp, prepare body for exercise, gradually increase heart rate and respiration,prevent injury

Question: Give examples of two benefits of LME training?
Answer: more lean muscle, increase in functional fitness, improved body image, joint stability, reduction in joint pain(low back)

Question: Give an example format for an aerobics class?

warm up - pulse raising


Pre aerobic workout- Pulse check

Main aerobic workout

Body Conditioning

Cool down


Question: Give an example of a format for a health related gym programme?

Warm up - any CV machine

Stretch - general body - maintenance

Main Session - Cardio - CV machines moderate intensity

 Resistance Training - machine/compound  low weight high reps

Cool Down- CV machine

Post Stretch - General Body - maintenance - developmental

Question: What considerations should be taken into account prior to planning an circuit class?
Answer: room size, class size, class fitness level, equipment, class goal/aim, number of stations, class layout, work:rest ratio, class time



Outline two benefits of older adult participation in exercise?



improvement in functional fitness - independence

improvement in health related fitness - reduce BP, Cholesterol

Social benefits - meet new people

Question: Outline three benefits of exercise for pregnant clients?

Easier birth

Better sleep

quicker return to pre pregnancy weight

reduces low back pain

Question: outline three methods of promoting exercise classes?
Answer: social media, radio, advert, newspaper, brochure, flyer, notice board

Question: How can you motivate clients during exercise classes?
Answer: Encouragement, praise, rewards, music, equipment, teaching points, outline benefits, friendly manner

Question: What id the differnce between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

Intrinsic -  involves engaging in a behavior because it is personally rewarding

Extrinsic - occurs when we are motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity in order to earn a reward or avoid a punishment.

Mixed Bag

Question: Name the two pathways of circulation?

pulmonary system - from lungs to heart

Systemic system - body to heart

Question: Name the three energy systems?


Lactic Acid (anerobic glycolytic)


Question: Name three factors that aid exercise adherence?

enjoy exercise

positive attitude to exercise

better exercise knowledge

perceive benefits outweigh costs


What is the action of the gastrocnemius muscle?


Answer: Plantar flexion of foot

Question: Describe effects of stress on the body?

Physically - sick, sleepless, loss of appetite

Emotinally- anger, anxiety, depressed

Behaviourally - trouble concentrating, low productivity

Relationships- loneliness, problems with friends, family