
Multicultural Holidays


Question: What holiday is a five day celebration of the new year?
Answer: Diwali

Question: What holiday is celebrated in the month of Kislev?
Answer: Hanukkah

Question: What holiday is celebrated on the vernal equinox?
Answer: Pagan Easter

Question: What holiday is celebrated in the 9th month of the Islamic calendar?
Answer: Ramadan

Question: What holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox?
Answer: Christian Easter


Question: What holiday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Answer: Christian Easter

Question: What holiday celebrates the return of spring? 
Answer: Pagan Easter

Question: What holiday celebrates the prophet Muhammad receiving the words of the Koran?
Answer: Ramadan

Question: What holiday celebrates recapturing a temple and a miracle of oil lasting eight days? 
Answer: Hanukkah

Question: What holiday celebrates the victory of good over evil, as in the story of Lord Rama and Sita defeating the demon-king of Sri Lanka?  
Answer: Diwali


Question: This holiday is sometimes called the Festival of Light and uses a special candelabra.  
Answer: Hanukkah

Question: This is another name for Diwali because people use special clay lanterns to guide Lord Rama and Sita home and to welcome Lakshmi into homes.  
Answer: Festival of Lights

Question: This holiday is celebrated through fasting from sunrise to sunset.  
Answer: Ramadan

Question: This holiday is celebrated with chocolate bunnies and colorful eggs.
Answer: Pagan Easter

Question: People celebrate this holiday by praying for wealth, prosperity, and good luck in the coming year.
Answer: Diwali


Question: This is the clay lamp for Diwali.
Answer: Diya

Question: This symbol for Christian Easter reminds followers of the crucifixion.
Answer: Cross

Question: This symbol represents how the beginning of Ramadan is determined and also represents the Islamic faith.
Answer: Star and Crescent Moon

Question: This is the special candelabra that has 9, not 7 candles, and is used only on Hanukkah, whereas the other is a general candelabra used in synagogues.  
Answer: Hanukiah (NOT Menorah)

Question: This is the name for the colorful floor decorations of rice flour that welcome Lakshmi's good luck.  
Answer: Rangoli

More Details

Question: What religion celebrates Diwali?
Answer: Hinduism 

Question: What animal was turned into the Easter Bunny? 
Answer: Bird

Question: What Jewish festival is celebrated just before Christian Easter and is the origin of the lamb being used as a symbol for Jesus?   
Answer: Passover, or the Pasch

Question: What day ends the celebration of Ramadan and begins the next month on the Islamic calendar?
Answer: Eid al-Fitr, or Eid

Question: What is the spinning top used in games at Hanukkah?
Answer: Dreidel