


Question: Who is considered to be the founder of Judaism?
Answer: Abraham

Question: God established a Covenant with Abraham. Name one other person that God reaffirmed that covenant with.
Answer: Moses

Question: Who were the twelve tribes of Israel named after?
Answer: The Twelve sons of Jacob who was later known as Israel

Question: What country were the Israelite people slaves in and what was it called when they received their freedom and left?
Answer: Egypt

Question: Who mediated the covenant between God and Israel?
Answer: Moses

Modern Judaism

Question: True or false: There are three main variants of Judaism geographically which are Mizrachim, Sephardim and Ashkenazim
Mizrachim - easterners - Arabian penisula
Sephardim - Spain and later Greece, Italy, Turkey, England, Holland
Ashkenazim - Germany and north and east of Germany 

Question: What is a Rabbi?
Answer: A community leader schooled in the intracies of jewish law and ritual. They often lead worship

Question: In Orthodox Judaism how are the men and women seated in the synagogue?
Answer: Separately

Question: Which modern variant of Judaism have attempted to modernise Judaism and make it more compatible with contemporary western European life?
Answer: Progressive/reform Judaism

Question: Which variant of Judaism has made some reforms but still finds value in maintaining distinctive Jewish practices?
Answer: Conservative Judaism

Principal beliefs

Question: The shema is a declaration of faith that Jews make twice a day - what is it about?
Answer: There is one God.
Hear o Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.

Question: What are the Noahide laws?
Answer: Universal commandments

Question: Fill in the blanks: What God demands of you is this: act j________, to show m_______ and walk h________ with your God.
Answer: justly

Question: What is central to the expression of judaism and the identity of the Jewish people? C_____________
Answer: the covenant

Question: Give an example of where ethical standards come from in the sacred text
Answer: 10 commandments

Sacred texts and writings

Question: What is the name of the Hebrew Bible?
Answer: the Tanakh

Question: How many books are there in the Torah? Can you name any of them?
Answer: 5
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy

Question: The Nevi'im and the Ketuvium are the other parts of the Tanakh - What do they stand for in English?
Answer: Prophets and writings

Question: What is the name of the collection of writings and commentaries by Rabbis on the Tanakh?
Answer: the Talmud

Question: How many Mitzvot are there?
Answer: 613

Core ethical teachings and other

Question: What is Tikkun Olam?
Answer: 'repairing the world'  - social justice

Question: What is Shabbat
Answer: Day of rest

Question: What kind of food are Jews allowed to eat for their Kashrut?
Answer: Kosher

Question: What does Ha-Shem mean?
Answer: God - without using his name

Question: What was the prophets role in ethical teachings?
Answer: Bring people back to God and his commandments