
Anthropology Final_Time Periods


Question: In these two regions, shown evidence of the first signs of complexity 
Answer: Where was Soconusco?
Where was the Gulf Coast (Atlantic Coast) in the Olmec Society?

Question: During this time period, Monte Albán accumulated 15,000 people
Answer: What was the Late Formative Period?

Question: This time period existed from 2,000 B.C. to 800 B.C.
Answer: What was the Early Formative Period?

Question: During this Agricultural time, this kind of agriculture maintained these kind of practices:
An ecological systems theory - environmental equilibrium between population size, technology, and available resources
The  domestication = cultivation --> sedentism --> population growth
People moving seasonally as resources change
Mobility and low resources kept populations low

Answer: What was Seasonal Agriculture in the Early Formative Period?

Question: This time period existed from 8,000 BC to 1,8000 B.C.
Answer: What was the Andean Preceramic?


Question: This time period existed from 800 B.C. to 400 B.C.
Answer: What was the Middle Formative Period?

Question: This time period existed 8,000 B.C. - 2,000 B.C.
Answer: What was the Mesoamerican Archaic?

Question: During this time period, the Mayan Culture developed
Answer: What was the Classic Period?

Question: During this time period, the Aztec Empire developed
During this time period, the Chichen Itza came about

Answer: What was the Postclassic Period?

Question: During this event, the Aztec Empire rose to power by the following:

they were often employed as mercenaries by other cities
they migrated from North Mexico and participated in sacrifice
they initiated a series of religious cultivation - 1000 people/ceremony 
they extracted goods as tribute from conquered cities
they displayed representations of an Aztec skull rack

Answer: What was the War of 1426 - 1428?


Question: This time period existed from 400 B.C. to 100 B.C.
Answer: What was the Late Formative Period?

Question: This philosopher developed the theory about seasonal agriculture during the Early Formative Period
Answer: Who was Flannery?

Question: This time period existed from 900 A.D. to 1521
Answer: What was the Postclassic Period?

Question: This philosopher developed the theory about settling agriculture during the Early Formative Period
Answer: Who was MacNeish?

Question: During this time period, the Spanish arrived to the new world 
During this time period, the collapse of the Aztec Empire occurred
During this time period, collapse of the Inca Empire occurred in the Andes.

Answer: What was the Spanish Conquest?


Question: This time period existed from 100 B.C. to 900 A.D
Answer: What was the Classic Period?

Question: This is a time period form 10,000 B.C. to 8,000 B.C.
Answer: What was the Paleoindian Period?

Question: This was a time when humans transition to fully agricultural societies
During this time permanent housing, sedentism, and pottery increase
During this time the population increases 

Answer: What was the Early Formative Period?

Question: This time period existed during the end of the Ice Age - the Holocene
A large climatic change occurred during this time
Broad-based subsistence was popular
The Land Bridge from Siberia, The Ice Free Corridor, and Coastal Migration existed here
Monte Verde existed and showed evidence for the pacific coastal route

Answer: What was the Paleoindian Period?

Question: During this time period, serious domestication took place
During this time period, sedentism and population growth increased
During this time period, complex societies developed on the Andean Coast

Answer: What was the Andean Preceramic?


Question: This event existed from 1426 - 1428
Answer: What was the Great War of 1426 - 1428?

Question: This time period existed a continuation of broad-based subsistence
This is when domestication began to occur
Early domestication began with beans, squash, corn, Teosinte 
Coxcaltan was a famous cave site for domestication

Answer: What was the Mesoamerican Archaic?

Question: During this time period, La Vent became a major player
Answer: What was the Middle Formative Period?

Question: During this Agricultural time, this kind of agriculture maintained these kind of practices:
Cultivation of plants to encourage growth - this leads to domestication
Reliance on the abundance of edible plants in the highlands valley

Answer: What was Settling Agriculture during the Early Formative Period?
