


Question: The sum of all EXTERNAL conditions that affect a person. Ex. Learning to swim/use a computer
Answer: Environment

Question: The transmission of PHYSICAL and PSYCHOLOGICAL characteristics from parents to off spring through genes. EX. Human cells - DNA/chromosomes.
Answer: Heredity

Question: Pattern of physical development from conception to death.
Answer: Human Growth sequence

Question: Study of progressive changes in behaviors and abilities from conception to death. "Womb to Tomb"
Answer: Developmental psychology

Question: Physical care of personality, including emotional and perceptual sensitivity energy levels, typical mood, etc.
Answer: Temperament.

3.2 & 3.3

Question: New born's have adaptive reflexes
Answer: 1) Grasping reflex – Survival (avoid falling)
2) Rooting reflex – Search (reflexive head turning and nursing)
3) Sucking reflex – Obtain food.
4) Moro reflex – Responses

Question: Areas of Development
Answer: 1) Motor – Movement, learn to control actions
2) Emotional – Develop basics; fear, anger, joy & sadness
3) Social – Relationships (parents, siblings)
4) Language – Ability to communicate (cooing)
5) Cognitive – Transformation (ability to change)

Question: Importance of social development:
Answer: 1) Lays a foundation for relationships with parents, siblings and others.
2) First step into word
3) Aware of oneself as a separate person-initial “self-awareness”

Question: Areas involved in the social development of a child:
Answer: 1) Attachment
 Emotional
 Security
 Affectional
ex. Care givers.
2) Play and social skills
 Activity and enjoyment
ex. Solitary play, co-operative play



Question: A frame work of guide lines for acceptable behavior
Answer: Discipline Styles

Question: Types:
Answer: 1) Power assertion
 Physical punishment or show of force
ex. taking away toys or privileges.
(Associated with fear, hatred or parents and a lack of spontaneity and warmth)
Side effects:
 Tend to be defiant, rebellious and aggressive.
2) With drawl of love
 Withhold affection to enforce child discipline.
Ex. refusing to speak, threatening to leave.
Side effects:
 Child may be anxious, insecure, needing approval
3) Management Techniques:
 Combining praise, recognition, approval, rules and reasoning to enforce discipline.
Side effects:
 Direct connection between discipline and a child’s self-esteem
 as a parent, you need to carefully adjust to a child’s level

Question: Regarding one's self as a worthwhile person, a positive evolution of self

Answer: Self-esteem

Question: Parenting styles:
Answer: ) Authoritarian
 Enforce rigid rules and demand strict obedience to authority
 Children usually obedient, elf-controlled, with drawn, emotionally stiff.
2) Permissive
 Give little guidance, allow much freedom, do not require child to take responsibility
 Children usually dependent, immature, misbehave, aimless
3) Authoritative
 Supply firm and consistent guidance combined with love and affection
 Children usually competent, assertive, independent, inquiring

Question: Maternal VS. Paternal:
Answer: Maternal Influences:
 The total of all psychological effects mothers have on their children.
- Generally they have a greater impact.
- Physically and emotional care giving.
- Speak to infants more
- Play more conventional games (peek-a-boo).
Paternal Influences:
 Totally of all psychological effects fathers have on their children.
- More likely to play and tell stories.
- More tactile. (Tickling)
- Dad’s more likely to engage in unusual play.

3.5 & 3.6

Question: Stages of Language:
Answer: Language Acquisition
- Baby attempts to communicate. (Ex. Cooing, babble, single word stage, telegraphic speech)
2) Language – Terrible Two’s
- Communication more independent
- Looks intently, makes eye contact
- Vocabulary and language skills grow at a phenomenal rate
3) Roots of Language
- Linguist Noam Chomsky claimed that humans have a biological predisposition or heredity readiness to develop language.

Question: The presumed heredity readiness of humans to learn certain skills, such as how to use language, or a readiness to behave in certain ways.
Answer: Biologial predisposition

Question: What is Jean Piagets theory of cogitative development:
Answer: - Jean Piaget believed that all children pass through a series of distinct stage in intellectual development.
- Develop in an order sequence.
- Process of assimilation and accommodation

Question: Assimilation and Accommodation difference:
Answer: Assimilation
 The application of existing mental patterns to fit new demands.
 The modification of existing mental patterns to fit new demands.

Question: Stages of cognitive development:
Answer: Stages
1) Sensorimotor Stage (0-2)
- Non-verbal
- Sensory input and motor responses become co-ordinated.
2) Preoperational (2-7)
- Use language, think symbolically, yet remain intuitive and ego-centric in thought.
3) Concrete Operational (7-11)
- Concept of time, space, numbers, but simple.
- Concrete rather than abstract.
4) Formal Operations (11+)
- Thinking that includes abstract theory and hypothetical ideas.


Question: Development of values, beliefs and thinking that acts as a guide regarding what is acceptable behaviour.
Answer: Moral Development

Question: 3 levels of moral development:
Answer: 1) Pre conventional (Thinking about themselves)
- Lowest level of moral development
- Guided by consequences of actions. (Punishment, reward, exchange of favors)
- Ex. She shouldn’t steal (ACTION), get caught, go to jail (CONSEQUENCE-PUNISHMENT).
2) Conventional (Thinks about others think)
- Second level.
- Thinking is based on a desire to please others or to follow accepted rules and values.
- Ex. She should not steal because others will think she is a thief
3) Post Conventional (The bigger picture of life)
- Highest level.
- Based on carefully examined and self-chosen oral principles.
- Place a high value on justice, dignity, equality.
- Ex. He should steal the drug and inform the authorities. He would have saved a human life.

Question: Conflict between personal impluses and social world
Answer: Psychosocial dilemma

Question: Stages of psychosoical dilemmas (Erkison)
Answer: Stages (Refer to text)
1) Trust (touch/love) vs. Mistrust (rejection) first year
2) Autonomy (Try new skills) vs. Shame / Doubt (Accidents) 1-3 year
3) Initiative (Use of imagination) vs. Guilt (Discouragement) 3-5 year
4) Industry (Praise for good) vs. Inferiority (Disregard) - Inferor 6-12 year
5) Identity (Mature) vs. Role Confusion (Self uncertainty) - Adolence
6) Intimacy (Ability to care) vs. Isolation (Alone) - Early adult hood
7) Generatively (Balance adulthood) vs. Stagnant (Life loss) - middle adult hood
8) Integrity (Self-respect) vs. Despair (Remorse / Heartache) - late adult hood

Question: Discuss theroies of effective parenting:
Answer: 1) Consistency
 With respect to child discipline, the maintenance of stable rules and conduct.
- Gives child sense of security and stability
- Inconsistency makes child angry and confused
2) Using discipline constructively
- Use guidelines to control child’s behavior
* Emphasis on communication
3) Parent child relationship
- 4 basic ingredients; 1) mutual respect, 2) shared enjoyment, 3) love, 4) encouragement