
Forensic Science


Question: What is physical evidence?
Answer: Any object or material found at a crime scene.

Question: What is testimonial evidence?
Answer: What somebody says happened at a crime scene?

Question: What type of evidence is this: "I saw a woman with brown hair go into the bank."
Answer: Testimonial Evidence

Question: What type of evidence is this: hair, fingerprints, blood.
Answer: Physical Evidence

Question: What is forensic science?
Answer: Using science to solve crimes.


Question: What is the most common type of fingerprint (60-70%)?
Answer: Loops

Question: What type of fingerprint is a bunch of circles and accounts for 25-30% of fingerprints?
Answer: Whorls

Question: What fingerprint is the least common (5%)?
Answer: Arch

Question: Name 3 things we need to dust for fingerprints.
Answer: Powder, brush, tape, cards, gloves

Question: Why do we wear gloves when dusting for fingerprints?
Answer: So that we do not contaminate the evidence.


Question: What type of DNA is found on envelopes, cups, and toothbrushes?
Answer: Saliva

Question: Why are white blood cells important?
Answer: They contain a nucleus.

Question: True or False: Aside from identical twins, no two people have the same DNA.
Answer: True

Question: What are the four parts of blood?
Answer: Plasma, Platelets, Red blood cells, White blood cells

Question: How many bones are in the adult human body?
Answer: 206

Hair and Fibers

Question: What are hairs?
Answer: Slender outgrowths of the skin of mammals.

Question: What are fibers?
Answer: The smallest unit of fabric or material.

Question: How many hairs do humans lose per day?
Answer: Between 70 and 100

Question: What does animal hair look like?
Answer: It looks like it has scales.

Question: What do we use to look at hair in a crime lab?
Answer: A light microscope


Question: True or false: Hairs are transferred through physical contact.
Answer: True

Question: Who have more bones: children or adults?
Answer: Children

Question: What can you find out by looking at bones?
Answer: A person's age, gender, and race

Question: Why is forensic science important?
Answer: It helps catch criminals and solve crimes.

Question: Bones are made up of cells called what?
Answer: Osteoblasts