

Holy Week

Question: What event starts Holy Week, one week before Easter Sunday?
Answer: Palm Sunday - when Jesus comes into Jerusalem. 

Question: True or False:
Easter Sunday is the day Jesus died on the cross?

Answer: False,
He died on Good Friday.

Question: At the Last Supper, Jesus taught us to remember him. What do we do to remember him?
Answer: Communion - eat the bread and drink the wine.

Question: One of Jesus' disciples betrayed Jesus by telling the law officals where Jesus was and when they could arrest him. Which disciple was it?
Answer: Judas

Question: Something amazing happened three days after Jesus died on the cross, what was it?
Answer: He rose from the dead!

Memory Verse

Question: A ___________ loves at all times....
Answer: FRIEND

Question: _______ or _______ is there 
Answer: He or She

Question: He or She is there to _________, 
Answer: HELP

Question: When _____________ comes.

Question: What is the book and verse of the bible the memory verse is from?
Answer: Proverbs 17:17


Fill in the blank:

I should treat ______________ the way I want to be treated. 

Answer: Others

Question: A ______________ encourages one another.
Answer: FRIEND

Question: Friendship: Spending time with someone you _______ and ________.
Answer: Trust and Enjoy

Question: Friends worship with __ __ __ __   __ __ __ __ __.
Answer: each other

Question: Friends __ __ __ __ __ one another, like Jesus did when he washed the disciple's feet.
Answer: Serve


Question: Jesus showed us how to serve. What did he do for his disciples at the Last Supper to serve them?
Answer: Washed their feet.

Question: We can serve our friends and family by:
Answer: Helping others
Giving a hug
Being supportive

Question: Who was the man we talked about a lot in our stories this month?
Answer: Paul

Question: True or False:
Being a good friend also means you let people serve you.

Answer: True

Question: True or False:

Jesus expected everyone to serve him, and treat him like a king.

Answer: False.

The Church

Question: What color is the carpet in the fellowship hall?
Answer: Green with white stripes

Question: What color are the chairs around the tables in the fellowship hall?
Answer: Maroon

Question: What color are the pew cushions in the sactuary?
Answer: Maroon 

Question: What was the NOSH called before it was called NOSH?
Answer: Old sactuary hall

Question: Is the floor in the sactuary wood, tile, or carpet?
Answer: Tile