
Ex & Fit


Question: Name the bone in the upper arm?
Answer: Humerus

Question: What is the name of the process of bone formation?
Answer: Ossification

Question: Name the joint action that occurs when a swimmer turns their head from side to side to breathe?
Answer: Rotation

Question: What type of synovial joint is found at the elbow?
Answer: Hinge Joint

Question: When performing a press up which muscle contracts as each arm straightens?
Answer: Triceps

Fitness Componenets

Question: How many health related exercise components are there?
Answer: Five

Question: Define Cardiovascular fitness?
Answer: The ability to exercise the whole body for a long period of time


Which Health related fitness component might be improved through yoga?


Answer: Flexibility

Question: Name three activities that would improve muscular strength and endurance?
Answer: weight training, circuit training, gymnastics, multigym, body pump, TRX, Kettle bells etc

Question: Which skill related fitness component can be described as the ability to perform strength movements quickly?
Answer: Power

Client considerations

Question: What should be completed by new clients prior to exercising?
Answer: Screening form (fitness assessment)

Question: What information should be included in a screening form?
Answer: Client details, medical history, lifestyle factors, previous exercise history

Question: What three areas should a pregnant client focus on?
Answer: Aerobic, reisitance training, flexibility

Question: Give two benefits of exercise for the pregnant client?
Answer: Easier birth, return to normal birth rate, reduce back pain, improve sleep etc

Question: Give an example of a contra-indicated exercise and offer a safer alternative?

Neck Circles, hurdlers stretch, windmills, double leg raise

Yes/No/maybes, standing stretch, single leg raise


Question: In circuit training what is the name given to each location where an exercise takes place?
Answer: Station

Question: Give an example of an exercise for the leg muscles?
Answer: Squat, lunge, step ups etc

Question: Give an example of an exercise to improve the fitness of the heart?
Answer: shuttle runs, jumping jacks etc

Question: When performing a squat which two muscles in the leg work together to bend and straighten the leg?
Answer: Hamstrings and Quadriceps

Question: When performing a press up what name is given to the type of contraction that occurs when movement takes place?
Answer: Isotonic

Aerobics Class


Give three example of low impact aerobic exercises?


Answer: heel dig, toe tap, side steps, marching etc

Question: Give three examples of high impact aerobic exercises?
Answer: Jumping Jacks, jogging, elbow to knee etc

Question: What format should an aerobics class take?
Answer: warm up, stretch, pulse check, pre aerobic , aerobic phase, body con ,cool down stretch

Question: Give an example of a modified exercise for a client who cannot perform a jumping jack?
Answer: Half jacks

Question: What is the function of the lower chambers of the heart?
Answer: To pump blood out of the heart