


Question: How many regions are there in the US?
Answer: 7

Question: What number does the US rank in terms of size?
Answer: 3rd

Question: 48 of the states are connected together. This means they are
Answer: contiguous

Question: What is the ocean that touches the US East Coast.
Answer: Atlantic

Question: What movement by people changes geographical places over time?
Answer: Human Migration


Question: What is the rate that shows how well people can read or write?
Answer: Literacy Rate

Question: What is the phrase that means how long a group are supposed to live?
Answer: Life Expectancy

Question: If I am using something from another culture, what am I doing?
Answer: Cultural Borrowing

Question: A group sharing the same custom, tradtions and language
Answer: Ethnic Group

Question: Islam is an example of a
Answer: Religion


Question: Who were the first people migrating to this country?
Answer: The Native Americans

Question: What country did the patriots fight against in the revolution?
Answer: Great Britain

Question: What was the war that stopped slavery in the US?
Answer: Civil

Question: What Wars did the US become an Ally to Great Britain ?
Answer: World War One and Two

Question: What was the date of the terrorist bombing of the Twin Towers?
Answer: September 11


Question: What type of republic do we have?
Answer: A federal republic

Question: The government is separated into federal powers and what powers?
Answer: State

Question: The document that contains the laws of the US
Answer: Constitition

Question: Changing the Constitution is called?
Answer: Amending

Question: Who is the Vice President of the US?
Answer: Joe Biden


Question: Because of this you have a duty to vote.
Answer: Citizenship

Question: A tree is what kind of resource?
Answer: Renewable

Question: In this type of Economy you can choose your own job
Answer: Free Enterprise System

Question: This type of government may not allow you to have certain jobs.
Answer: communism

Question: What is the word that stands for money flow, businesses and trade?
Answer: Economy