
Science SLO

Weathering, Erosion,

Question: Which describes what Earth undergoes all of the time?
Answer: Weathering

Question: What are the two types of weathering?
Answer: Chemical & Physical

Question: What can cause physical weathering?
Answer: Water

Question: What is rainwater moving soil down a mountain an example of?
Answer: Erosion

Question: Are changes to Earth always slow?  Give an example.
Answer: No


Question: Draw a mountain.
Answer: See boards

Question: Draw a river.
Answer: See examples.

Question: Draw a delta.
Answer: See boards

Question: Draw a peninsula
Answer: See boards

Question: Draw a plateau.
Answer: See boards


Question: What has parts that work together for a purpose?
Answer: Ecosystem

Question: What describes a balanced ecosystem?
Answer: No animal or plant drives out other animals and plants.

Question: Give an example of something that would cause an ecosystem to change quickly.
Answer: See answers (earthquake, fire, tornado, etc.)

Question: What would I do to an ecosystem that has too many rabbits?
Answer: Add foxes to eat the rabbits.

Question: Define abiotic and biotic.  Give an example of each.
Answer: abiotic- non-living factor (air, water, sunlight)

biotic- living factor (trees, animals, plants)


Question: What is matter?
Answer: What all physical things are made of.

Question: What describes the particles that make up matter?
Answer: The particles are all moving

Question: What are the 3 states of matter.
Answer: Solid, Liquid, & Gas

Question: What is water evaporating an example of?
Answer: Physical change

Question: What is the difference between a chemical and a physical change?
Answer: chemical - can't undo

physical - can undo


Question: What is potential energy?
Answer: Stored Energy

Question: What is moving energy?
Answer: Kinetic Energy

Question: Draw a roller coaster.  Label where the potential energy is the greatest.  Label where the kinetic energy the greatest.
Answer: See boards.

Question: What are insulators.
Answer: Materials that allow no heat to pass through them

Question: How does heat move from a stove to a pan?
Answer: Conduction