
Jeopardy en español

Hola hola! saludos

Question: Se dice "Buenos dias."
Answer: Como se dice "Good Morning" in Spanish?

Question: You are enchanted to meet someone.
Answer: ¿ue es "encantado"?

Question: I'll be seeing you later.
Answer: Que es "Nos vemos" or "Hasta luego"?

Question: I'm sorry--I can't remember your name...
Answer: Que es "Como te llamas"?


oo ajjj... el tiempo

Question: Looks like we need an umbrella.
Answer: Que es "llueve"?

Question: Hace mucho frío en esta estación
Answer: Que es "el invierno"?

Question: ¡Uf! Hace mucho calor en este mes.
Answer: Que es "julio" o "agosto"?

Question: This frosty situation might happen once or twice in the month of "diciembre."
Answer: Que es "nieva"?



Question: You may relax on the beach on one of this region's many islands.
Answer: Que es "el caribe"?

Question: This region is the closest point to Antartica
Answer: Que es "South America" o "Sudamérica"?

Question: This country is so close to the US, its influence may be seen & heard here.
Answer: ¿Qué es "México"?

Question: It's huge, it has South American beaches, but they don't speak Spanish.
Answer: ¿Qué es "Brasil"?


Que tal, Profe

Question: A much better start to the day than the variety on TV.
Answer: Cuales son "good news"?

Question: She is sensei and you are the grasshoppers.
Answer: Quien es Profesora Caston?

Question: The best football team (even when losing).
Answer: Quienes son los Cowboys?

Question: She couldn't live without it as evidenced by hearing it every day.
Answer: Que es "music"?


Que hora es?

Question: 1:00 am
Answer: Que es la una de la mañana?

Question: noon
Answer: Que es mediodia?

Question: 10:00 in military time
Answer: Que son las 22:00 horas?

Question: 6:15 pm
Answer: Que es "Son las seis y cuarto de la noche"?
