
Divorce on the Lifespan


Question:  How many children are effected by divorce each year?
Answer: 1 million

Question: Will an infant be effected severely by divorce if they do not establish attachment with their father and father remains uninvolved in child's life?
Answer: No

Question: What are other factors that impede on the quality of the family unit after a divorce has occurred?
Answer: Socioeconomic hardships, Psychological distress of parents, Diminished parenting

Question: What was the percentage failure rate from children in grade school from divorced or separated parents?
Answer: 16%

Question: What is the average duration of a marriage?
Answer: 13.7 years


Question: What are two examples of stressors that could cause effects on a child?
Answer: Moving, parental remarriage, conflict

Question: Which gender achieved lower in their math scores after parents were divorced?
Answer: Girls

Question: What does ATL (approaches to learning) impact?
Answer: Academic motivation and engagement

Question: What percent or fraction of children between the ages of 6 to 8 blame themselves for their parents' divorce? 
Answer: 1/4 or 25%

Question: Name one of Erikson's stages that is affected during childhood and what is lacking from parents during that stage?
Answer: Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt or Initiative vs Guilt, and encouragement is lacking from parents


Question: What are two variables to consider in adolescents affected bydivorce?
Answer: Age, gender, time elapsed, socioeconomic status, relationship with parents, past/present/future life events. 

Question: What is a resulting issue in adolescents affected by divorce?
Sleep deprivation, poor concentration and grades, drug/alcohol abuse, anger tantrums. 

Question: True or False: Adolescents of divorced parents are not likely to become teen parents and divorced later on in their own marriage. 
Answer: FALSE

Question: Theoretical Framework: List one of Erikson's stages of development that is affected.
Answer: - Trust vs. mistrust
- Autonomy vs. shame/doubt
- Initiative vs. Guilt
- Industry vs. inferiority 
- Identity vs. role confusion 

Question: List one positive and one negative effect of divorce on adolescents.


- May help adolescent acquire strengths and responsibilities.

- Altered family structure may result in more routine and a structured time line. 

Negative: Low self esteem, unfocused anger, fear of abandonment,lack of trust, failure to reason cause-and-effect relationships, unwillingness to be accountable, and the need to take care of oneself.


Question: How does one with an anxious attachment react to divorce?
Answer: Extreme physical and emotional distress, vengeful behaviour, dysfunctional coping strategies

Question: What was the emotion related to the first scenario of the Adult video?
Answer: Secondary maladaptive

Question: List Kubler Ross' 5 stages of grief in order
Answer: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

Question: What theory emphasizes that people have certain thoughts and behaviors towards things based on what they mean to them?
Answer: Symbolic Interaction

Question: Name some of the consequences associated with divorce.
Answer: Less social networks, lower financial stability, depression, less life satisfaction, feelings of: helplessness, aggression, sadness, guilt, and loneliness




