
Homer Part II

Who's Who

Question: Who is Theoclymenus and what does he do in Part II?
Answer: He is a soothsayer and a "second-sighted" man.
- He runs away from Ithaka because people are trying to kill him; Telemachus picks up Theoclymenus in his ship on the way home
-  He sees an omen of a hawk plucking feathers off a dove; he encourages Penelope with this vision
- He sees a vision of the wooers' death, but they do not believe him

Question: Organize the individuals listed below into two groups: Characters who are for Odysseus and Characters who are against Odysseus.

Character List:
Antinous, Ctesippus, Eumaeus, Eurycleia, Eurymachus, Melanthius, Melantho, Philoetius, Telemachus 

Answer: Characters for Odysseus: 
Eumaeus, Eurycleia, Philoetius, Telemachus

Characters against Odysseus:
Antinous, Ctesippus, Eurymachus, Melanthius, Melantho

Question: In Part II, there are a number of characters whose name starts with "Eury." Who are they?
Euryalus: a Phaeacian who is rude to Odysseus at first (he later apologizes)
Eurybates: a "henchman" who travels with Odysseus (Odysseus the beggar mentions him while talking to Penelope in Ch. XII)
Eurycleia: old nurse
Eurylochus: a member of Odysseus' crew
Eurymachus: a wooer

<Eurynomous: a wooer (son of AEgyptus the old council member) from Part I>
<Eurypylos: a Greek soldier from Part I>

Question: Before Odysseus officially removes his disguise, only a few characters know the truth about the "beggar." Who knows about the disguise, and how does the individual find out that the "beggar" is really Odysseus ?
Answer: 1. Athene: she puts the disguise on Odysseus
2. Telemachus: Athene temporarily lifts the disguise 
3. Argos: the old dog recognizes Odysseus even with the disguise (maybe by Odysseus' scent?)
4. Eurycleia: she recognizes the scar while washing Odysseus' feet
5 and 6. Eumaeus and Philoetius: Odysseus reveals himself to get their support before dealing with (killing) the wooers

Question: In Part II, there are a number of characters who are related to each other. Build a family tree(s) to explain how these characters are related.

NOTE: Focus only on actual family relationships -- father, son, daughter, sibling, grandparent, etc.

Answer: See flipchart page for answer.

What Came First

Question: Which event happens first?
A. Telemachus arrives in the palace.
B. Odysseus meets Melanthius the evil goatherd.

Answer: First,
(A) Telemachus arrives in the palace.
(B) Odysseus meets Melanthius the evil goatherd.

Question: Place the following events in chronological order.
A. Agelaus is killed.
B. Antinous is shot with an arrow.
C. Odysseus kills Eurymachus.

B. Antinous is shot with an arrow.
C. Odysseus kills Eurymachus.
A. Agelaus is killed.

Question: Place the following events in chronological order. Then add the event that occurs immediately after the last event.
A. Antinous hits Odysseus with a footstool.
B. Eupeithes speaks to the assembly in Ithaka and convinces them to fight against Odysseus.
C. The wooers are unsuccessful in the archery contest.

A. Antinous hits Odysseus with a footstool.
C. The wooers are unsuccessful in the archery contest.
B. Eupeithes speaks to the assembly in Ithaka and convinces them to fight against Odysseus.

NEXT: Before Eupeithes and the assembly can fight against Odysseus, Athene stops them and makes them promise to forget all wrongdoing and to allow Odysseus to rule Ithaka in peace.

Question: There are several events in Part II that connect to and overlap with events in Part I because they occur on the same day.

Identify these events and explain what happens.

Answer: In Part II, Ch. I, Athene goes before the council of the gods and asks Zeus to help Odysseus. ON THE SAME DAY, she goes to Ithaka disguised as the Stranger and speaks with Telemachus, advising him to go to Pylos and Sparta to seek tidings of his father (Part I, Ch. II). Also, it is assumed on this day, Hermes goes to Calypso to tell him that she must let Odysseus return home.

In Part II, Ch. VII, Odysseus finally arrives on the island of Ithaka. Athene appears before him and disguises him as an old beggar. ON THE SAME DAY, Athene goes to Sparta and tells Telemachus to return home to Ithaka (Part I, Ch. XXIII).

Question: Place the following events in chronological order.
A. Odysseus meets Nausicaa.
B. Odysseus is angry with Penelope for suggesting that his bed should be moved outside to the hall.
C. Odysseus arrives at the land of the Lotus.
D. Odysseus goes on a hunting trip and is injured in the foot by a boar.
E. Menelaus gets stuck on the island of Pharos.
F. Odysseus finds Philoctetes on the island of Lemnos.
G. Telemachus begins his return trip back to Ithaka.

D. Odysseus goes on a hunting trip and is injured in the foot by a boar.
F. Odysseus finds Philoctetes on the island of Lemnos.
C. Odysseus arrives at the land of the Lotus.
E. Menelaus gets stuck on the island of Pharos.
A. Odysseus meets Nausicaa.
G. Telemachus begins his return trip back to Ithaka.
B. Odysseus is angry with Penelope for suggesting that his bed should be moved outside to the hall.

Monsters and Dangers and Foes -- Oh My!

Question: Explain the difference between the following: CYCLOPS and CYCLOPES

What is the connection to the story?

Answer: The cyclopes were giant monsters with only one eye.
The word "cyclops" refers to one monster (singular word)
The word "cyclopes" refers to more than one monster (plural word)

Polyphemus is a cyclops who eats 6 of Odysseus' men.

Question: How are the land of the lotus and the Sirens different? How are they similar?
Answer: Land of the lotus: eating the lotus flower caused you to forget your past and future. One could potentially stay on the island forever.

The Sirens: their singing bewitches men who hear their voices. There is a pile of bones at their feet.

For both, the men who encounter them never see their families again.

Question: Of everything Odysseus sees and experiences on his journey home, which sight is the "most pitiful" to him? Why?
Answer: The crew's encounter with Scylla is the "most pitiful." Men are eaten, and there is nothing Odysseus can do to help them.

Question: Explain what happens on the island of Thrinacia. What is the consequence of the decision that is made on that island? 
Answer: Odysseus and the crew stop on the island so that the crew can rest. They are stranded for many weeks because of a hurricane. After a while, their food runs out, and Eurylochus convinces the crew to kill and eat the cattle of the Sun. When they finally are able to leave, lightning strikes the mast of the ship, killing the ship's pilot. The rest of the men are swept out to sea and die.

Question: Even after returning home to Ithaka, Odysseus experiences more hardship and suffering. List all the people who mistreat him and what these individuals do.
Answer: 1. Melanthius, the goatherd: speaks disrespectfully to Odysseus the beggar and kicks him.

2. Antinous the wooer: speaks disrespectfully to Odysseus the beggar many times; on one occasion he hits Odysseus the beggar with a footstool. 

3.  Irus the beggar: tries to provoke a fight with Odysseus. Antinous organizes a fight between the two of them.

4. Melantho, Penelope's handmaiden: speaks disrespectfully to Odysseus the beggar

5. Eurymachus the wooer: speaks disrespectfully to Odysseus the beggar; he would have hit Odysseus if he wasn't stopped by Telemachus

6. Ctesippus the wooer: speaks disrespectfully to Odysseus the beggar; throws the foot of an ox at Odysseus.

AEolus' Mixed Bag

Question: What physical feature does Odysseus have that allows him to be recognized by some characters in the story?
Answer: Odysseus has an old scar on his foot from a hunting accident. This scar helps Eurycleia recognize Odysseus while he is in disguise.

Question: Who is the Phaeacian minstrel? How does Odysseus react to this minstrel's songs? 
Answer: Demodocus is the minstrel who lives in the land of the Phaeacians. Odysseus weeps when he hears the minstrel's songs about the Trojan War.

Why does Penelope finally decide to marry one of the wooers? How will she pick her new husband?

Penelope decides to marry one of the wooers because:
1) Penelope's parents are forcing her to pick a new husband
2) Penelope believes that Telemachus wants her to marry one of the wooers because he is tired of his inheritance being wasted
3) Penelope now believes and accepts that Odysseus is mostly likely dead and is not going to return

In order to pick a new husband, Penelope will hold an archery contest. The wooer who can bend the bow of Odysseus and shoot an arrow through the holes of 12 axes that are lined up will become her husband.

Question: Consider the characters who are looking forward to Odysseus' return. What is the reunion between Odysseus and these characters like? Explain.
Answer: 1) Telemachus: Athene lifts Odysseus' disguise and is overjoyed to see him.

2) Argos: the old hound recognizes Odysseus in disguise and dies afterward.

3) Eurycleia: the old nurse recognizes Odysseus in disguise when she is washing his feet and feels the scar on his foot. She agrees to keep his identity a secret.

4) Eumaeus and Philoetius: Odysseus the beggar first confirms their loyalty to Odysseus and then reveals himself to them.

5) Penelope: she does not believe that the "beggar" is really Odysseus even after Eurycleia and Telemachus assure her of the truth. She tests Odysseus by saying that his bed will be taken out into the hall. It is only after he becomes angry and explains how the bed was made that Penelope believes that Odysseus is really back.

6) Laertes: when Odysseus goes to visit him, he does not believe at first, even after Odysseus shows him the scar on his foot. He does believe after Odysseus talks about the garden and the trees that he recognizes from his childhood.

Question: List 2 examples of each of the four themes in Part II.
Answer: See Themes answer key. 

Picture Perfect

Question: Which event does the picture best illustrate? Be detailed in your answer.

Question: List 2 events that can be illustrated by picture. Be detailed in your answer.

Question: Which events are depicted in the illustrations? Be detailed in your answer.

Question: Look at the sequence of pictures. There are two events that are missing (indicated by QUESTION MARKS).

Draw the two scenes that are missing. Then explain what happens in each picture.


Question: First identify which event each picture best illustrates. Then place the pictures (events) in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.