
Math tutoring March 17th


Question: 3 ✖️ 3 ✖️ 8
Answer: 72

Question: 6 ✖️ 7 ➗ 2
Answer: 21

Question: 23 ✖️ 67
Answer: 1541

Question: 6345 ➗ 5
Answer: 1269

Question: 438 ✖️ 29
Answer: 12702


Question: 3/8 ➕ 2/8
Answer: 5/8

Question: 9/16 ➖ 5/16
Answer: 4/16 or 1/4

Question: 1/4 ➕ 1/2
Answer: 3/4

Question: 7/24 ➕ 3/8 
Answer: 16/24 or 2/3

Question: 1/2 ➕ 5/8
Answer: 9/8 or 1 1/8

Mental Math

Question: Start with 9, add 6, double it
Answer: 30

Question: Start with 8, double it, double it again
Answer: 32

Question: Start with 40, half it, subtract 4
Answer: 16

Question: Start with 63, Divide by 9, double it
Answer: 14

Question: Start with 36, Divide by 6, Multiply by 9
Answer: 54


Question: 1.53 ➕ 2.097
Answer: 3.627

Question: 29.675 ➕ .053
Answer: 29.728

Question: 87.431 ➖ 29.5
Answer: 57.931

Question: 15.876 ➖ 2.60
Answer: 13.276

Question: 3.78 ➕ 0.67 ➖ 1.09
Answer: 2.02

Word Problems

Question: If Jade can run 5.5 miles in one hour how many miles can she run in 3 hours?
Answer: 16.5

Question: I bought a bag of rice that weighed 8.75 kg.  I used 2.2 kg. in my soup and .65 kg in my rice pudding.  How much do I have left?
Answer: 5.9 kg.

Question: I want to buy ribbon to glue around my square picture frame.  If one side of my frame is 8 inches long, how much ribbon will I need to buy?
Answer: 32 inches

Question: I have 9 quarters, 8 dimes, 4 nickles, and 3 pennies in my purse.  How much money will I have left if I purchase a 1/2 gallon of milk for 2.48?
Answer: 80 cents

Question: I am buying pizza for a party.  I want to buy 2 slices for each of my friends and myself.  If I invite 10 friends and each pizza has 8 slices how many pizzas will I have to buy to make sure I have enough?
Answer: 3 pizzas