
Civics Term Final

Chapter 3

Question: What is a confederation?
Answer: Group of individuals or state government. 

Question: What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?
Answer: An agreement providing enslaved persons would count three-fifths of other persons and determining representation in congress. 

Question: What are the three main parts of the Constitution?
Answer: Preamble, Articles, and Amendments.

Question: What was the purpose of Article III?
Answer: Judicial Branch describes kinds of cases courts may hear.

Question: What was the purpose of Article VI?
Answer: It declares the constitution the "Supreme Law of the Land". 

Chapter 4

Question: define probable cause.
Answer: A strong reason to think that a person or property was involved in a crime. 

Question: define petition.
Answer: a formal written request

Question: Name the individual rights protected by the First Amendment?
Answer: Protects 5 basic freedoms for all Americans. (Speech, Press, Religion, Assembly, and Petition)

Question: What are the rights of the accused found in the Bill of Rights?
Answer: One can only be tried only for a crime, and be charged without indictment. 

Question: What election laws we affected by the 17th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, and 26th amendments?
Answer: 17th- direct election of Senators
19th- women's suffrage
23rd- citizens of Washington D.C. can vote
24th- illegal to make a poll tax
26th- voting age changed to 18 years old

Chapter 5

Question: Why is Congress composed of a House of Representatives and a Senate?
Answer: In 1787 writing the constitution was difficult they wanted to create a congress with power to pass laws that gave them more power. 

Question: How does the census affect representation in the House of Representatives?
Answer: How many representatives there is, is based on the population.

Question: Why do members of Congress believe that casework is important?
Answer: They may be voted out if their casework isn't completed.

Question: What is the difference between public and private bills?
Answer: Public bills affect the whole nation. Private bills only affect one person or group of people.

Question: What are three major responsibilities of members of Congress?
Answer: voting
keeping there spot
declaring where to stand on matters

Chapter 6

Question: define Embargo.
Answer: an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country 

Question: define treaty 
Answer: a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries

Question: What is the cabinet?
Answer: a body of advisors to the president

Question: How many votes are needed to win in the Electoral College?

Answer: The majority vote. 538 votes possible.

Question: How many elector votes does Nebraska have?
Answer: 5

Chapter 7

Question: What are the duties of the magistrate judge?
Answer: -issuing court orders
-deciding if cases go to trial
-if people should go to jail

Question: What role does the President have in the appointment of federal judges?
Answer: The president gets to choose the person. 

Question: WHat role does COngress have in the appointment of federal judges?
Answer: They have to approve the presidents decision.

Question: What are the qualifications of Justices?
Answer: none, just legal training and/or experience

Question: How does the power of Judicial Review check the legislative and executive branches?
Answer: They make sure they're not straying from the constitution.