
Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement


Descriptions of this person would include:

Supported civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance

Opposed violence and political compromises

Answer: Who is Martin Luther King, Jr?

Question: This speech by Martin Luther King, JR expressed his desire to replace racial segregation with an integrated society
Answer: What is "I Have a Dream"?

Question: How did the Voting Rights Act impact voter regsitration in the south?
Answer: Voter registration increased after the passage of the act

Question: How did the ideas of Martin Luther King, Jr differ from those of the Black Panthers?
Answer: Black Pathers were more militant and considered the use of violence

Question: Name at least two events during the Civil Rights Movement that helped further the expansion of political and economic opportunities for minority citizens

Sit-in Protests

Freedom Rides

March on Washington

Chicano Movement

Question: Which leader organized a farm worker's union as part of the Chicano movement?
Answer: Cesar Chavez

Question: Which project of the Chicano movement led people to a heightened appreciation of Mexican American culture?
Answer: Chicano Mural Movement

Question: Name at least three actions leaders like Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta advocated for in order to effect social change




hunger strikes

Question: What was the major goal of the Chicano Movement?
Answer: Farm workers' voting rights and political rights

Question: Who was a surgeon and World War II veteran that advocated for equal rights of Mexican Americans and became the first Mexican American to serve on the US Commission on Civil Rights?
Answer: Hector Perez Garcia

Women's Liberation

Question: President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 10925. What was it's objective?
Answer: promote fair employment practives in government agencies

Question: Which law helped women athletes obtain greater support in American high schools and universities?

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act

Question: Name the author and title of the book that was an impetus for changing attitudes about traditional gender roles in American Society.
Answer: Betty Freidan The Feminine Mystique


Which of the following is true about the gender earnings gap?

There is no longer an earnings gap between men and women

The earnings gap has only slightly changed

Women have surpassed men in earnings

Answer: The earnings gap has only slightly changed

Question: Which group of women did Betty Freidan advocate for greater career opportunities?
Answer: middle class women

American Indian Movement

Question: Which piece of legislation prohibited discrimination, including against American Indians?
Answer: Civil Rights Act of 1964

Question: What was the major goal of the American Indian Movement?
Answer: Give other Americans a better understanding of the Native point of view

Question: Name two events that the American Indian Movement used to draw attention to their conditions
Answer: Occupation of Alcatraz Island and occupation of Wounded Knee

Question: What was the slogan of the American Indian Movement?
Answer: "Red Power"

Question: Which US President announced that the federal government would honor its treaty obligations to the Native Americans?
Answer: President Nixon

Civil Rights Court Cases

Question: What protection is guaranteed to every citizen under the 14th Amendment?

Equal protection of the law

Question: In which court case did the Supreme Court rule that Mexican Americans were a seperate class that is entitled to protection?
Answer: Hernandez V Texas

Question: Which court case ruled that Texas did not have the right to discriminate by setting up multi-member legislative boundaries
Answer: White v Regester

Question: Regents of California v Bakke upheld which idea? 
Answer: affirmative action

Question: What does the term 'status quo' refer to?
Answer: The existing system