


Question: What was the election about?
Answer: Indepence

Question: What is the name of the english Primeminister
Answer: David Cameron

Question: What does Great Britain include:
Answer: Great Britain – is the name of the island west of France, and therefore it doesnot include Northern Ireland, but England, Wales and Scotland

Question: What does Cameroun argue?

Cameron argues that Scottishe conomy is far from strong enough, and furthermore he argues that the countriesin The United Kingdom have a common history. He also emphasizes thatScotland already has some level of autonomy and decides on matters about healthand education. 

Question: How does the welsh flag look?
Answer: Red Dragon with green and white background

Michael Brown/Hands up

Question: What does the two texts have in common?
Answer: Some one got killed (Theme Rascism)

Question: Ferguson is the suburb of?
Answer: St. Louis

Question: Who is Rodney King and what happened to him?
Answer: A black guy who was kicked and killed by a policeman in 1992, recorded by witnesses

Question: Based on what law was Michael Browns killer set free?
Answer: Based on the so called Stand your ground

Question: What does reverent Al Sharpton mean by stigmatization?
Answer:large group of black lower-class people are stuck in povertyand social misery - despite political efforts to change their situation

One worldtrade center

Question: When did the planes crash into the building?
Answer: 9/11 - 2001

Question: How tall is the new center and why?
Answer: 1776, It was the year 13states declared independence from Great Britain

Question: What does the critics compare one worldtrade center with?
Answer: The Shard Lonmdon which is Britain's tallest and 95-story building

Question: Where was Osama Bin Laden allegedly hiding and by who
Answer: In Afghanistan by Alqaeda

Question: What does the memorial part og ground zero also include?
Answer: includes a museum, which opened in May 2014, and afield of trees with two ponds placed exactly where the two Twin Towersused to rise.


Question: Name 4 word classes in english
Answer: Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

Question: Hvad er den grammatiske betegnelse, på dansk, for denne sætning:

Drengens hue

Answer: ejefald, genitiv

Question: What is the difference between as and when

Question: The difference between 
He plays 
He is playing

Answer: He plays -  Regularly
He is playing - right here and now

Question: Nam symbolic as a noun, adjective, and adverb  
Answer: Noun: Symbol, adjective: symbolic and adverb: Symbolical

Jonathan Franzen

Question: Who is Jonathan Franzen?
Answer: An author

Question: Who was the first president of the US?
Answer: George Washington (22. februar 1732 – 14. december 1799) var USA's første præsident 1789-1797

Question: How many people votes according to Franzen in the US
Answer: 37% mid-term election, 50% Presidential election. (805 in europe)

Question: Franzen is sceptic about the internet - Why?
Answer: Because of democracy is being threatned by the social media

Question: Who made the interview?
Answer: Adam Holm