
Romeo and Juliet


Question: Which character is Romeo's cousin and is peaceful?
Answer: Benvolio

Question: Who is Romeo's best friend?
Answer: Mercutio

Question: Which character is very playful yet feisty?
Answer: Mercutio

Question: Which two characters are related to Prince Escalus?
Answer: Mercutio and Paris

Question: List the 6 deaths in the order they occur.
Answer: Mercutio, Tybalt, Paris, Romeo, Juliet, Lady Montague

Shakespeare's Background

Question: What are the three Shakespearean play genres?
Answer: histories, comedies, tragedies 

Question: What is the name of the theatre where Shakespeare produced and wrote his plays?
Answer: The Globe Theatre

Question: In what city was Shakespeare born?
Answer: Stratford-upon-Avon

Question: What is an iamb?
Answer: An unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.

Question: When is Shakespeare's birthday and death day?
Answer: April 23, 1564
April 23, 1616

Act 1 and 2

Question: How does Romeo get invited to the Capulet party?
Answer: He tricks a Capulet servant who cannot read into thinking that he is on the guest list.

Question: Fill in the blank for 1.4.25-26: "Is ____ a tender thing? It is too rough, too ____, too boist'rous, and it ____ like a ____."

Bonus +100: Who says it?

Answer: love, rude, pricks, thorn 

Question: What does "wherefore" mean?
Answer: Why

Question: Why does Friar Lawrence finally decide to marry Romeo and Juliet?
Answer: He thinks it will end the feud.

Question: Who said AND what is the significance of this line: "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, or, if thou wilt not, be sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet."
Answer: Juliet; she is asking why Romeo must have the name of her enemy, Montague, and if he will not forget his last name, then she will hers.

Act 3

Question: Explain the line "A plague o' both your houses" and who said.
Answer: Mercutio said the lines cursing both the Capulets and the Montagues because they ultimately were the cause of his death.

Question: Mercutio tries to provoke Tybalt to fight. Why doesn't he want to fight him?
Answer: Tybalt wants to fight Romeo, not Mercutio. 

Question: Why does the Prince agree to banish Romeo as opposed to death?
Answer: Romeo killed his kinsman's (Mercutio) killer; he got revenge on the person that killed his relative. 

Question: What is the Nurse's final advice to Juliet at the end of Act 3?
Answer: To marry Paris.

Question: What is Romeo's reaction when he learns that he has been banished?
Answer: to kill himself.

Act 5

Question: What role does Balthasar play in the last Act?
Answer: He delivers new to Romeo that Juliet is dead.

Question: Why does Paris think Romeo has come to the Capulet tomb?
Answer: To vandalize it.

Question: What does Friar John say to Friar Lawrence is the reason that he could not deliver the letter to Romeo?
Answer: There was a plague in the city and he could not leave.

Question: Romeo says the following line to Juliet lying in her grave: "Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, hath had no power upon thy beauty." Explain the significance.
Answer: Romeo is saying that even though she is "dead," she looks alive (because she still is at this point).

Question: Who says: "For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
Answer: Prince Escalus