
Lexi Gamache US History


Question: Herbert Hoover on the political spectrum
Answer: Conservative/Republican

Question: Eleanor Roosevelt
Answer: First lady, active and involved

Question: Joseph Stalin
Answer: He said Capitalism was dead, noting that 100,000 Americans left for communist Soviet Union

Question: Huey Long
Answer: Said "Share the wealth" and was FDR opponent

Question: 100 days
Answer: Many programs through Congress


Question: Social security
Answer: FDR gave benefits to retired etc workers

Question: Run on a bank
Answer: Using other peoples money

Question: Share the wealth
Answer: Taking $$ from everyone and spreading it out equally. EVERYONE GETS $$$$$$$$

Question: Roosevelt's program of relief, recovery, and reform
Answer: New Deal

Question: Brain trust
Answer: FDR's close advisors that helped create the New Deal


Question: Bank holiday
Answer: Evaluate bank

Question: Cause of Recession 1937
Answer: Caused by increased borrowing by Federal Government

Question: National Recovery Administration
Answer: To help businesses, increase prices, failed to protect domestic workers

Question: Republican criticism of New Deal?
Answer: Spending too much, going too far with trying to reform economy

Question: FDR's position on labor unions
Answer: He was for them


Question: Public works
Answer: It's a program for government to run projects

Question: Capitalism
Answer: Economic and political system in which a country's trade are controlled by private owners for profit

Question: National debt
Answer: How much the federal government owes

Question: National industrial recovery act
Answer: Let the president regulate industry to try and make the economy better

Question: Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Answer: Raised tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods


Question: Increased federal borrowing
Answer: Federal government borrowed more money $$$$$$$

Question: Court packing
Answer: Move by FDR to increase the size of the supreme court

Question: Desperate WW1 veterans who demanded payment were called the
Answer: Bonus army

Question: What was the Hoover blanket?
Answer: Newspaper

Question: 25,000 square miles of the worst drought in US History?
Answer: Dust bowl