
Austin Fournier U.S. History Depression


Question: Who was the 31st president of the United States?
Answer: Herbert Hoover

Question: Who was the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt?
Answer: Eleanor Roosevelt

Question: Who ruled the Soviet Union in 1924?
Answer: Joeph Stalin

Question: Who was the person that wanted to "share the wealth"?
Answer: Huey Long

Question: Who Created United States Tariff Act of 1930?
Answer: Hawley-Smoot Tariff

The New Deal

Question: This focused on three general goals...relief for the needy, economic recovery and financial reform?
Answer: The New Deal

Question: The three goals under the new deal included relief for the needy, economic recovery and what?
Answer: Financial Reform

Question: What was the period between March 9 to June 16, 1933 known as?
Answer: The hundred days 

Question: What was the republicans criticism of the new deal?
Answer: Roosevelt spent to much money.

Question: On Roosevelt's first day as president what did he do?
Answer: Declared a bank holiday. closing all banks to prevent more withdrawals.

Helping the people

Question: What law raised crop prices by paying farmers to lease a part of their land?
Answer: The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

Question: What agency put young unemployed men to work building roads and parks?
Answer: Civillian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Question: What agency was created to prevent unfair labor practices and mediate between workers and management?
Answer: National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

Question: What law established codes of fair practice for industries and help promote industrial growth? 
Answer: National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

Question: This act requires corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings? 
Answer: Federal Securities Act of 1933

The Hundred Days

Question: Who said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"?
Answer: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Question: When a government spends more money then received in revenue it is called what?
Answer: Deficit Spending 

Question: What is the nickname of Roosevelt's academic advisers during his 1932 presidential campaign?
Answer: The Brain Trust 

Question: What program provided government loans to homeowners who were losing their homes because they could not pay their loan payments? 
Answer: The Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)

Question: This law provide aid to retirees, the unemployed, people with disabilities and families with dependent children?
Answer: Social Security Act.

odds and ends

Question: What were the radio addresses given by Franklin Roosevelt called?
Answer: Fireside Chats 

Question: What medical condition caused Roosevelt to be in a wheel chair?
Answer: Polio

Question: What is it called when lots of people withdraw their money at the same time from the same bank?
Answer: A Bank Run

Question: A economic system in which private businesses and individuals control the means of productions is called?
Answer: Capitalism

Question: who was a former supporter of Roosevelt and the New Deal but later turned against him and proposed a social program called "share our wealth"?
Answer: Huey Long