
Global 10R Mid Term Review

The Middle Ages

Question: At the end of the Middle Ages, the introduction of banking, letters of credit, joint stock companies, and the rise of guilds, all contributed to the start of what period in history?
Answer: The Commercial Revolution

Question: One result of the Crusades was an increase in trade between what two continents?
Answer: Europe and Asia (Middle East)

Question: In feudal society, this group of people had little or no political power.
Answer: Serfs

Question: European feudalism created a class structure in which this group of people held the power.
Answer: Wealthy Landowners

Question: Letting some farmland remain unplanted as a means of increasing food production is most closely associated with which agricultural method?
Answer: The three-field system

Renaissance and Reformation

Question: The philosophers of the Renaissance encouraged this type of attitude.
Answer: Questioning

Question: The main reason the Renaissance began in Italy was....?
Answer: Trade between Europe and Asia

Question: The writers of the Renaissance were influenced by the ancient Greeks in that they both stressed the power of what?
Answer: Human Reason

Question: As a result of Martin Luther posting his 95 Theses, two things occur. What was one of those things? (Think increase and decrease)
Answer: The power of the R.C.C. is lessened and the power of monarchs increased.

Question: What was the goal of the Counter Reformation?
Answer: To reinstate the power of the R.C.C.


Question: What was the goal of most Absolute Monarchs in Europe?
Answer: To centralize all power.

Question: Of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, and Ivan the Terrible....This leader built his capital city as a "window to the West" and helped to lead Russia through a period of modernization built upon European ideas.
Answer: Peter the Great

Question: The signing of this document in England and the ideas contained within it are in direct contrast to the ideas of Absolute Monarchs in Europe.
Answer: The Magna Carta or English Bill of Rights

Question: The signing of the English Bill of Rights in England resulted in this type of government being established there.
Answer: Limited Monarchy

Question: This was the theory that Absolute Monarchs derive their power from God.
Answer: Divine Right Theory

Age of Exploration

Question: One of the main goals of any European country that was colonizing another area of the world was to increase its what?
Answer: Wealth

Question: This device that helped sailors determine their latitude while at sea was a major contribution to the success of European countries during the Age of Exploration and overseas expansion.
Answer: Astrolabe

Question: As Europeans developed their American colonies, the need for cheap labor increased. This was a direct cause of an increase in what?
Answer: The Atlantic slave trade

Question: The Spanish were easily able to conquer a vast majority of South America due to the spread of disease and what else?
Answer: Military superiority

Question: This "-ism" is most closely associated with colonization during the Age of Exploration
Answer: Imperialism

Greece and Rome

Question: How many continents did the Roman Empire extend over?
Answer: Three

Question: The fact that Greece is located on a peninsula led Greece to prosperity because it had many of these that made trade easier.
Answer: Natural Harbors

Question: The most important contribution of the Romans (as far as this test is concerned) was the....?
Answer: Development of a Republican form of government

Question: What can be said about women in ancient Rome?
Answer: They had some rights

Question: The people of ancient Athens practiced this type of government.
Answer: Direct Democracy