
Tobacco Assessment Review

Tobacco Short Answer Questions

Question: A woody, shrub-like plant with large leaves.
Answer: What is Tobacco?

Question: The location where tar deposits form when a smoker inhales.
Answer: What is the bronchi?

Question: The most common tobacco product.
Answer: What are cigarettes?

Question: Teenagers are still growing and developing.
Answer: Why is tobacco particularly damaging to teens?

Question: Chronic bronchitis, asthma and emphysema can accompany this tobacco-related disease.
Answer: What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?

Important Tobacco Vocabulary

Question: An addictive drug found in tobacco leaves and in all tobacco products.
Answer: What is nicotine?

Question: This is a poisonous, colorless, odorless gas.
Answer: What is carbon monoxide?

Question: Capable of causing a user to develop intense cravings.
Answer: What is addictive?

Question: The passages through which air enters and spreads through the lungs.
Answer: What are bronchi?

Question: Ground tobacco that is chewed or inhaled through the nose.
Answer: What is smokeless tobacco?

Effects of Tobacco Use on the Body

Question: Heart and blood pressure increase.
Answer: What is the circulatory system?

Question: Changes take place in brain chemistry.
Answer: What is the central nervous system?

Question: Shortness of breath, reduced energy, colds and flu occur more frequently.
Answer: What is the respiratory system?

Question: Upset stomach, dulled taste buds and tooth decay.
Answer: What is the digestive system?

Question: Blood vessels are weakened and narrowed.
The risk of lung cancer and emphysema.
Increased chance of gum and tooth disease.
Increased risk of stroke due to decreased oxygen flow.

Answer: What are the circulatory, respiratory, digestive and central nervous systems.

Physical or Psychological Symptoms of Withdrawal

Question: Headaches.
Answer: What is a physical symptom of withdrawal?

Question: Irritability.
Answer: What is a psychological symptom of withdrawal?

Question: Tiredness.
Answer: What is a physical symptom of withdrawal?

Question: Cravings for tobacco.
Answer: What is a psychological symptom of withdrawal?

Question: Increased hunger,
Jittery, restless feeling,
Difficulty concentrating or sleeping.

Answer: What are physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal?

Dr. Marshall's True or False

Question: The student should sit in their assigned seat.
Answer: What is TRUE?

Question: Smoking is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease.
Answer: What is TRUE?

Question: Students should always put forth their best effort in order to be successful and work towards maximizing their potential.
Answer: What is TRUE?

Question: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a condition in which passages in the lungs become swollen, irritated and eventually improving their elasticity.
Answer: What is FALSE?

Question: Abstinence is the practice of restraining oneself from indulging oneself in something, usually alcohol, tobacco and/or drugs.
Answer: What is TRUE?